Updated June 26, 2023
Introduction to Angular Features
Features of Angular come into the picture for the front-end development of the application. It has become very popular and is the best single-page web application development solution in the minimum time. One of the main differences between angular JS and their latest version is TypeScript and the very well structure of the angular project, which makes maintaining code easy and readable, increases performance, and many more things.
Till now, many versions of angular have come. Angular JS is the first version of angular, and it was launched in the year 2009. Features of Angular JS:
- Form validation and animation.
- It is a JavaScript framework for building Web Applications.
- It allows easy event Handling.
- Dependencies Injection.
- Built-in routing and Engine.
- Support for Data Binding.
- Extends HTML support by adding expressions, tags, and Attributes.
After Angular JS, angular 2 comes into the picture with an entirely different framework written in TypeScript. There is no commonality between both frameworks. Because angular 2 is very well structured. Strong support for the external library and many more things. It gives high performance to our application; thus, it minimizes the load time of our pages.
Features of Angular 2
Below are the features of Angular 2:
1. TypeScript
- It is a superset of JavaScript, and angular 2 heavily uses TypeScript. TypeScript has gotten much attention because of its ease of use and simplicity. This is the most striking change that angular 2 brings compared to the previous version. ReactJS is also used TypeScript; because of this change, angular 2 has become popular quickly.
- Typescript is an open-source programming language that is developed and maintained by Microsoft. It adds optional static typing to the language. As it is the superset of JavaScript, existing JavaScript programs are also valid.
2. Improved Dependency Injection
- It is a design pattern that we should have to make our application loosely coupled. Modular component isolation and development are the features that make the dependency injection easy and straightforward to use and implement in angular2.
- In angular 2, services are injectable. For this, we use @Injectable annotation to make any class injectable.
Example: Service is an example of a Dependency injection. It is an injectable class that shares data among various classes or applications. It is also responsible for making the server call and getting data to display.
3. Improved Data Binding
Data binding in angular 2 has improved a lot. We do not need to write heavy code; we must wrap our element inside a square bracket.
Types of binding
Below are the types of binding:
- Interpolation: It displays a component property to a template or view. For this, we use double curly braces. We can say anything using this, i.e., string, number, array, etc.
- Property Binding: Property binding allows us to access the element property of HTML directly. We can now assign our variable to the HTML element.
- Event Binding: This binding uses the event to bind value. We have various events available; for instance, click.
- Two-way Binding: This is a combination of property binding and event binding. We can call our method and bind a value to the element property.
4. Directives
Angular 2 provides support for 3 types of directives. These are as follows :
- Attribute Directive: It modifies the behavior or appearance of the HTML element.
- Structural Directive: This Directive is used to change the element’s structure. It alters the DOM element; using this, we can add, delete and replace the element with a new one. It modified the DOM layout.
- Component Directive: We cannot create angular2 applications without components. Now we can look closer at how this component works and what type of metadata it contains.
- Performance: The performance of the angular 2 application has improved a lot because of fast change detection and offline compilation. Support for asynchronous templating and dynamic loading helps improve the page load and time.
- Support for a Component-Based Architecture: Angular 2 application is entirely based on components. It follows component-based architecture, which makes our code structure easier.
Angular components are part of the module, or we can say that module contains components that implement the application’s business logic. Also, they contain the template which is going to trigger when they are invoked.
- Services
- Template
- Business Logic
- Styles and CSS
- Application Data
5. Improved Routing
Routing in angular 2 has been improved a lot because of the following reason:
- Location service
- Navigational Model
- URL resolver etc
6. Browser Support
Angular 2 application supports almost all browsers which are as follows:
- Chrome
- IE 9, 10,11
- Safari
- Firefox
- Android 4.1
- Microsoft Edge
7. Cross-Platform
We can run our application on any platform, such as:
- Android
- Ios systems
- Desktop
8. Mobile Development
The previous Angular version was meant for responsive development, but no mobile support existed. But angular 2 provides us with build support for mobile application development; on the other hand, we need to take advantage of some libraries to run our angular js application on mobile.
- Component-based architecture.
- Equally useful for the web. Mobile and desktop app.
- Support Dependency Injection.
- Faster, modern, and highly scalable framework.
Features of Angular 4
After angular 2, angular 4 comes into the picture with a few new features.
- Support for email validator
- Separate package for animation. Animation moved to new package @angular/animation
- Support for if/else statement
- Reduced size of generated bundled code by up to 60%
Features of Angular 5
Angular 5 comes up with new improvements, which are as follows :
- Update to the HTTP client.
- Type checking in the template.
- Make AOT the default.
- Support for Internationalized date m currency and number pipes.
- Zone speed improvements.
- Easier to build progressive web pages.
Angular has improved over time in terms of performance, handling events, providing support for different browsers, and type-checking. It is kept on upgrading because of typescript; it has become the most widely used framework for web development.
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This is a guide to Angular Features. Here we discuss an overview of different Angular versions and the differences between Angular JS and their latest versions. You can also go through our other suggested articles to learn more –