Updated April 12, 2023
Introduction to Registry
The database where all the settings of the Windows are stored is called a registry. It is arranged in a hierarchical order to retrieve data whenever needed and used in the system. Mostly, the basic settings are stored in the registry for easy accessibility and usage. It can be information about the applications, data about the windows and software installed in the system. Registries work in the Windows system and are developed by Microsoft. It helps people to get data easily and to use them for further processing. All the systems have a registry as the data is stored there.
Importance of Registry
1. It acts as a database to the system, and hence all the important information related to hardware and software is stored in the registry. The configuration settings, information about the applications, users using the software, and related data is stored in the registry.
2. When the programmer is in need of any data, he can check the registry, and for sure, he will get the relevant information. The registry acts as a data storage for people who need fast data.
3. Sometimes, the registry will be filled with relevant and irrelevant data, where it becomes necessary to clean the registry to remove the junk files. The registry acts as a time saver to users who are in dire need of data and cannot go through all the files in the system.
4. The services data is stored in the registry, and hence it helps the security manager to check the details when needed. Proper user authentication can be given to the systems to use the registry to not be leaked.
5. When the data is needed, Windows will check into the registry and get information. Hence, to get data sooner, the registry should not be piled up with lots of data. The registry must be compressed and checked in between to provide data into the Windows.
6. In order to make the registry more efficient, it should be cleaned periodically and checked for wrong entries. The unwanted data should be removed, and proper inputs should be given to the system.
How to Use Registry?
A registry is the soul of the computer. It shows the system of how to work and describes everything with the data in the system. Inside the registry, there are levels in which the data is stored. The highest level is Hives, denoted by HKEY that stores information about the users, programs in the system, a configuration of the system and data about the PC and its resources. Therefore, this information should be stored in the Hives beneath which folders and subfolders are present. Folders have the values or the paths by which the data is stored in the system. This helps the user to check the data location and to access them whenever needed.
When the registry has to be edited or checked for data, the registry editor program has to be used. This helps to modify the registry and check if the data is kept in the folder or the folder is empty with any default values. The data inside the registry should not be deleted rather than checked for information and should be disabled if not needed. This makes the system not check the specific folder for the data. Values are kept inside the keys as files stored inside the folders. This helps the user to identify the hierarchy, and if needed, he can modify them.
When the registry is opened, a hierarchy is seen on the left side with values on the right side. The user interface of the registry is basic and very simple to understand. The values inside the folders are displayed on the right side of the system. Also, a path is shown to each folder on the bottom side of the pane. This helps to understand the file structure and to browse them. Sometimes, the folder does not display any files but will be linked to the next level folders.
Why do we need a Registry?
- The Windows registry serves as an actual registry in real life where all the information is kept for future use or for past reference. Here, the data is stored, and settings are kept so that it can be checked in between and modified if needed. This makes the system to work efficiently with all the data in hand.
- If new software is installed in the system, a new folder or key is created in the registry. Whenever we use the software, all the data is stored in the registry so that it can be retrieved if needed. The configuration settings, the data regarding the login details, and all the archive of the software are stored in the registry. Since the registry is easily accessible, the software starts faster with the data in hand. Even when the user logs into the system, the data is stored in the registry.
- A registry is saved under the config folder of Windows, and the system has to make changes in the registry based on the configuration settings of the applications. Basically, there are five root keys under which the data is stored, and it has to be modified, and routine checks have to be done so that unwanted files do not take up space in the registry.
- Registry files are viewed through the windows command button and then regedit, which enables you to view and check the files. Administration rights are needed in the registry to be edited and modified based on user needs.
- Registries have to be checked for malware to not be exposed to other users in the network. Only authorized users are allowed to check the registry and make necessary changes.
All the databases are stored in the registry, and hence proper usage of the registry should be ensured. This makes the system use the registry to its full depth and make it available for the users when a particular set of data is needed. The registry is important to store the configuration settings and even the hardware of the system.
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This is a guide to What is Registry?. Here we discuss the Introduction of Registry and how to use it. We also discuss why do we Need a Registry along with its importance. You can also go through our other suggested articles to learn more –