Updated April 19, 2023
Difference Between Dart vs GO
Dart vs GO is a comparison of the two languages Dart and GO. Key differences and if any similarities for the languages will be noted here. Dart is an open-source programming language developed by Google, and GO language is a procedural programming language developed by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, Ken Thompson in 2007 but was launched at 2009 as an open-source programming language. Dart is meant for server-side and also the user side. Here, we shall compare both the languages Dart vs Golang and note the key differences among these two languages.
Head to Head Comparison between Dart vs GO (Infographics)
Below are the top 20 differences between Dart vs GO:
Key Differences between Dart vs GO
Some of the key differences between the Dart vs GO are given below:
- Asynchronous programming in Dart language is handled by Future objects, Future is an object which gets the value at a certain point of time in the future. When a function invoked future, it may result in two outcomes,
- Function not able to return any value hence queues up the work and returns an uncompleted Future object.
- Or when the future value is available, the future object invoked by the function will return the value.
- Golang is designed in such as way that it seems to be logical. Syntactically simplified to make it easier for programmers and the compiler developers.
- Dart developers get core libraries: async, strings, collections, conversions, regexps, file I/O, formats, typed data, math, and more
- In Golang, API documentation is rich content-wise and is easy to memorize. Documentation of Golang is hosted on the official webpage which is simple to read and understand.
- Dart has no compile-time in development. Dart has an integrated browser as Dartium, integrated with Dart VM, which allows to run and debug the Dart code. For testing on other browsers, deployment is transpired to JavaScript.
- In Golang, the go compiler compiles the binary code instantly, similar to interpreting of scripting language.
- Dart language has a lot of tools available for developing applications. Such as, analyzer, pub, dev_compiler, test, server, dartfmt_, and observatory.
- Golang provides inbuild testing. All source code files must be associated with *_test.go used to test functions in code.
- Dart has transpired JavaScript code that works on almost all browsers.
- Golang is great for building networking services whereas Dart has easy prototyping
- Golang automatically generates API documentation for installed packages whereas Dart supports semi-co routines.
- Dart also compiles to native code on mobile platforms like Android and iOS
- Golang supports splitting of source code into multiple files and also supports modules in form of packages.
Dart vs GO Comparison Table
Comparison between Dart vs GO are given below:
Dart |
GO |
Dart is an open-source programming language | GO language is also known as Golang and is a concurrent and procedural programming language |
It is developed by Google | Golang is also developed at Google but launched as open sources in 2009 |
Dart has its own SDK along with compiler Dart VM | Golang is similar to C language, has memory safety, structural typing, garbage collection, and assembled using packages |
Dart is used with flutter to develop mobile applications | Golang is used to develop across large scale network servers and distributed systems |
Dart contains classes with both constructors and de constructors | Golang does not contain classes with both constructors and de constructors. |
Dart has compiler Dart VM which performs garbage collection automatically | Golang provides an auto garbage collection method for the allocation of memory |
Dart does not contain arithmetic pointers, only pointers | Golang contains pointers and does not contain arithmetic pointers |
The map is passed by value in Dart language | In Golang, Map is passed by reference |
Dart does not support function overloading and user-defined operators | Golang too does not support function overloading and user-defined operators |
Dart also uses packages | Golang does not use header files. It uses use packages and import to import external packages. |
Dart supports default values and constants which are not included in the list because, in the future, Dart can support nonconstant default values | Golang does not support volatile qualifiers or constants |
Dart or Flutter is single-threaded and there is not possibility of sharing global variables | Golang contains channels and goroutines. |
Dart has do while and while statements | Golang does not have a while and do-while statements. But for loop can be modified as while loop |
Dart supports inheritance of classes | Golang does not support inheritance instead provides an alternative way of Embedding |
Dart is a scalable and cohesive platform for building applications that run on web servers or on cloud | Golang is concise, expressive, clean, and efficient. Concurrency methodology makes Golang user easy to write programs |
Using Dart language, tools, and libraries, users can write any code from simpler scripts to fully-featured applications. | Golang language compiles code to machine level and still has a way for garbage collection and also for run-time reflection. |
Dart is a single-threaded programming language. If any part of the code blocks the execution of the program, it is frozen. | Golang has lightweight threads that run above OS threads, which give way to concurrent operations. |
Dart makes use of asynchronous operations which lets the program run without any blocking, which is actually handled by Future objects. | Golang uses channels for communication between goroutines and allows synchronization to be effortless. The maximum number of goroutine threads run may be defined at compile time with GOMAXPROCS variable |
Dart language is built to JavaScript but the entire application should be built to JavaScript at once | In Golang, users find it difficult to write the same part of code again and again. Domains are not served by libraries. |
In dart, While implementing callbacks, passing types to any function which is passed to JavaScript results in crashing of dart2js compiler | Golang is basically designed for larger projects, it has a weak abstraction feature |
We conclude our topic ‘Dart vs GO’, we have seen what Dart vs GO is and its comparison based on every aspect. We have also gone through key features of the Dart and Go language. Go language is ranked 6th worldwide whereas Dart is ranked 24th. Most of the users choose Golang instead of Dart because Golang has lightweight threads which run on OS threads. These threads provide a simpler way of concurrent operations. It also utilizes channels for communication among goroutines which we have seen earlier. Both the languages are statically typed and use type inference. Thanks! Happy Learning!!
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