Course Overview
Dodd-Frank Act Tutorials:
This introductory course is for you to learn about the overview of Dodd-Frank act and its regulations and provisions. It is also known as the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and was passed by Obama administration in 2010. It was particularly was in response to the 2008 Financial Crisis [the Great Recession].
The training will help you learn the following;
- Purposes/Objectives of the Act
- The Volcker Rule
- Regulation of Swaps and Derivatives
- Securitization Reforms
- Credit Rating Agencies
- Capital Provisions and Regulation of SIFIs
- Restrictions on Government bailouts using taxpayers money
- SEC Authority [support to significant provisions of the act]
- Private Equity and Hedge funds
- Executive Compensation and Corporate Governance
- Criticism of the act
Target Customers:
- Career-driven banking professionals stay relevant in their roles
- Anyone looking to gain an understanding of Dodd-Frank act and its practical application
- Accountants
- Banking professionals
- Students
- Basic understanding of the banking industry
- Knowledge of simple accounting and finance terms