Updated June 27, 2023
Introduction to Angular Commands
In this Topic we are going to learn about Angular Commands. As Angular is one of the popular platforms to build one web application very easily. It is basically one of the front end frameworks of any web application which based on javascript. It has a very good combination of templates, dependency injection, integrating some of the popular practices which can be helping to solve challenges in development.
Basic Commands
There has been a lot of commands available for use in the various environment, especially for preparing one web application or embedding the entire client-side codebase with HTML syntax, it sometimes very much favorable for the developer, as it followed some framework structure chances of mistake is very less. Some of the basic commands are mentioned like below:
1. Npm install –g @angular/cli: This command is basically used for installing the Angular CLI in specifically mention package manager of rpm.
2. Ng help: Providing available online help related to angular by executing this command. This help can be varieties option, list of details will come in the prompt.
3. Ng generate –help: It gives an entire list of executable commands in angular with mentioning some common short description. The user can easily able to understand which command needs to be used for what purpose by executing this command. It is also basically providing online help in angular with some additional short description for proper user visibility.
4. Ng new first–angular-project: This command is using for creating one new basic project in angular, the developer should need to go to the corresponding workspace and executing this command for creating one new project.
5. Cd first-angular-project: Cd means change directory. This command is actually moving the user cursor to the created project folder.
6. Ng serve: This command is basically helping for building the app and ensure its availability locally. By executing this command server is responsible to automatically rebuild entire code changes and reloads the same immediately in the pages if the developer changes anything in the source file. This is very much popular command in Angular for building the app and display the corresponding changes in the screen.
7. Ng config: This command is basically helping for retrieving all the configurations details and option for setting or editing the corresponding set up configuration from the command prompt. There have another option to edit the configuration rather than executing this command that is edit angular.json file directly. There have some common mechanism need to be followed by the angular developer, like configuration file name should maintain in camel case whereas option name of executing command can be in camel case or normal.
8. Ng –build my-first-app –c production: This command is basically using for building the new application which developed and as well as copy the same build application to the production environment promptly. This command is helpful for switching entire change immediately to the deliverable environment. This command must need to execute inside the workspace directory. After executing this command, it generated one output directory with name dist/ on the provided output path.
9. Ng add: This command is basically using for an external library. Suppose developer needs to include some of the external libraries in their existing project, in that case, they can easily use add command and specify the name of the external library. Then it will automatically include that library into the application.
10. Ng doc: This command is very much helpful for understanding the angular official view. This command is actually opening angular official documentation like angular.io in the corresponding default browser. It also gives critical utility of searching with some specific keyword for gaining the knowledge on that keyword from the angular official site directly.
Intermediate Commands
There are several other popular commands, which are also used by the Angular developer, which are not very basic commands but work with Angular more. Some of these types of intermediate commands are listed below:
1. Ng e2e: This is very much useful for the common developer especially in the case of an end to end testing on the angular developed app. Executing this command ensure of building the app and serve the same locally with the update changes. Then also it runs on end to end testing environment by using one of the protractors.
2. Ng lint: This is for linking the angular app with one popular tool linting. It helps for running this linting tool on the developed code in angular on the provided folder of the project. It basically ensuring code quality.
3. Ng run: This command is basically helping for running one of the architect targets by taken help with the custom optional building configuration. This kind of configuration normally defined earlier associated with the project.
Advanced Commands
Still, some of the critical tasks need to be done by the command users frequently. Those tasks also have some advance kind of commands need to be executed, like testing the project, updating the application and it’s a dependency or extracting some the predefine message from the source code. Those advance kind of commands are below:
1. Ng test: This is helping for running entire unit test cases on the angular project.
2. Ng update: This command is mainly helping for updating the application and their corresponding dependency periodically.
3. Ng version: This command provides the proper version of the angular CLI.
4. Ng xi18n: This command is mainly helping for extracting the information of i18n messages from the written source code of angular.
Tips and Tricks to Use
Some common users who are very frequently using Angular commands, they normally use some of the tips and tricks for utilizing Angular commands output in a proper way. Those kinds of tricks normally solving some user-specific queries and display execution output for understanding the same properly. Some of the very commonly used key tricks are:
1. Maintaining the proper structure of the application: Normally angular developer follows some raw structure of folder for maintaining entire application codebase. It typically makes the project unsupportable for the other developers. Normal suggestion to maintain the angular code base in three separate structure. The core module shared module and feature module. Core module should be a single one instance, which utilizes by everyone. The shared module can be utilized by multiple projects whereas the feature module holding the original implementation of the application.
2. Providing alliances for each app: Providing alliances of each app will always be suggestable approach especially for implementing clean imports.
They are now very much popular javascript-based mechanism available in the IT industry for developing one web application pages smartly. Earlier any javascript based client-side code never maintain any structure, angular first came with some specific format of developing one client-side codebase.
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This has been a guide to Angular Commands. Here we have discussed concept, basic, intermediate as well as advanced Angular Commands along with tips and tricks to use effectively. You may also look at the following article to learn more –