Updated February 20, 2023
Introduction to AssertJ Maven
AssertJ maven is a central repository which was providing an intuitive and rich set of assertions that was used in unit testing. The ambition of maven assertj is to provide unit testing. This idea is nothing but the disposal of assertions which was specific to the type of object which was checked in a unit testing. If suppose we are checking string value, then we can use the assertions of string specific.
For checking the map value we are using the map-specific assertions for easily checking the assertions for the map. The assertj assertions are very easy to use, we need to use the code completion for showing the assertions which are available. Maven assertj is composed of several modules which were defined in maven assertions.
The maven core module is providing the assertions for the Jdk types like iterable, string, path, file, and stream. The guava module provides assertions of the guava types like optional and multimap. The joda time module is providing assertions of the joda types like date time and local date time. The neo4j module is providing the assertions of neo4j types like node, path, and relationship.
Key Takeaways
- For writing a maven assertion we need to start to pass the object to the method of assertion and need to follow the specified assertion which is actual.
- At the time of working with it, we need to add the assertj dependency in our pom.xml file.
How to Set Up?
The below steps show how we can set up as follows. In the below example, we are creating the project of assertj_maven as follows.
1. In this step we are creating the project of maven_test by using spring initializer. Below we are providing the name of the project as assertj_maven.
Group name – com.example
Artifact – assertj_maven
Name – assertj_maven
Packaging – jar
Java version – 8
Language – java
2. In the second step we are opening the project template of the maven assertj project by using the spring tool suite.
3. After opening the maven assertj project, in the below example we can see that we are checking the structure of the project.
4. After checking the structure of the project now in this step we are adding the assertj dependency in the maven project.
<groupId> org.assertj </groupId>
<artifactId> assertj-core </artifactId>
<version> 3.4.1 </version>
<scope> assertj </scope>
5. After adding the dependency now we are creating the class which defines assertj maven.
@DisplayName("Assertions bool")
class assertj {
@DisplayName("boolean true")
class assertj1 {
@DisplayName("its true")
void assertj2() {
} }
6. Now in this step we are running the project by using the maven test.
AssertJ Maven Character
The character type assertions are involving the comparisons which were used for checking the given character from in the table which was Unicode. Below is the example of assertion which was checking that the character which was provided is not an a or it was less than b and which is defined in lowercase letters as follows.
@DisplayName("Assertions bool")
class assertj {
@DisplayName("boolean true")
class assertj1 {
@DisplayName("its true")
void assertj2() {
. islessThanOrEqualTo('b')
} }
The above example shows that we have provided a comparison of a and b characters, so in the below example we are running the maven assertj test as follows.
AssertJ Maven Class
The assertions class types are nothing but the checking fields, presence, class types, and presence which notifies the class finality. If suppose we need to assert the class which was runnable by the using the interface, then we need to write the below class as follows.
class assertj {
class assertj1 {
void assertj2() {
assertThat (….);
} }
Suppose we want to check one class that was assignable from other class then we are using the following example.
class assertj {
class assertj1 {
void assertj2() {
assertThat (…);
} }
In the above two examples, we have defined with class, and in the below example we are running the assertj test.
AssertJ Maven Map
Maven map assertions will allow us to check the map which contains the entry, key, values, and set of entries that were defined in the map assertions. The below example shows the maven map assertions which check given map is not empty and it will contain the numeric key as 5 and it will not contain the numeric key as 15 and it will contain the key as 5 and the value as p.
class assertj {
class assertj1 {
void assertj2() {
.contains(entry(5, "p"));
} }
In the above example, we have defined with map, and in the below example we are running the assertj test as follows.
AssertJ Maven File
Maven file assertion is all about checking whether file instances exist or not. It contains files from a directory. The file contains is readable or it contains the specified extension. Below is the example of the maven assertion file which was checking whether the given file exists or not in the specified directory.
class assertj {
class assertj1 {
void assertj2() {
} }
In the above example, we have defined with file, in the below example we are running the assertj test as follows.
Given below are the FAQs mentioned:
Q1. What is the use of assertj maven?
Answer: It is a central repository which was providing an intuitive and rich set of assertions that was used in unit testing.
Q2. What are character assertions in maven assertj?
Answer: The character type assertions are involving the comparisons which were checking the character from the table which contains the Unicode. We need to define the specified character in assertj maven.
Q3. What are iterable array assertions in maven assertj?
Answer: Iterable array contains multiple ways for asserting the context which exists. The most common assertion is array contains the iterable element.
The assertj maven neo4j module is providing the assertions of neo4j types like nodes. Maven assertj assertions are very easy to use, we need to use the code completion for showing the assertions which are available. Maven assertj is composed of several modules defined in maven assertions.
Recommended Articles
This is a guide to AssertJ Maven. Here we discuss the introduction, character, class, map, and file. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –