Updated November 8, 2023
Introduction to ChatGPT Cheat Sheet
In today’s fast-paced digital world, ChatGPT serves as a versatile and knowledgeable companion. From answering questions to offering creative assistance, problem-solving, and educational insights, ChatGPT is here to enhance your interactions and provide valuable information and support. ChatGPT now can help to solve the problem in a second. However, there are some limitations. In this article, we are going to discuss ChatGPT Cheat Sheet.
Key Takeaways
Here’s a cheat sheet with key takeaways for using ChatGPT effectively:
- Ask Clear Questions: Phrase your questions or prompts clearly for more accurate and relevant responses.
- Provide Context: Include relevant details or context in your queries to help ChatGPT understand your needs better.
- Use System Prompts: You can start a conversation with a system prompt to set the tone and style of the conversation.
- Experiment & Iterate: Feel free to iterate and refine your prompts to achieve the desired results. Experiment with different approaches.
- Be Mindful of Biases: ChatGPT’s responses can contain biases based on its training data. Edit responses when necessary.
ChatGPT Commands and Prompts
Now, in this article, we will discuss some of the cheat sheet of chatGPT commands.
General Information
ChatGPT can answer your general questions like:-
1. Provide an overview of the topic “X.”
Provide [Content].
Provide a list of [Topic].
Example: Provide an overview of the topic “Succession Planning.”
Provide a list of fasting recipes.
2. What are the key concepts of “Y”?
What [helping verb] [content]
What [content]
Example: “What are the key concepts of Digital Marketing?”
What are the advantages of living in Urban Societies?
3. Explain the history of “Z.”
Explain [Term].
Explain why [content].
Example: “Explain the history of the Hampi.”
Explain why Obesity is a problem.
4. Describe the main principles of “A.”
Example: “Describe the main principles of books “7 habits of highly effective people”.”
ChatGPT also provides a solution for educational studies. Some of the examples are as seen below-
1. Create a lesson plan on “B.”
Create [topic]
Create a list of [Content].
We only need to give the command to chatGPT as
“I need help creating a lesson plan on the solar system for middle school students.”
Create a list of possible career options after HSC.
2. Explain calculus concepts in simple terms.
Explain [term].
Example: “Explain calculus concepts in simple terms.”
Explain Biotechnology.
Explain the concept of the atom.
3. Summarize the theory of relativity.
Example: Can you Summarize the theory of relativity?
4. Describe the scientific method step by step.
Describe [Content].
Example: Describe the scientific method step by step.
Describe Integration.
ChatGPT can assist you in gathering information, providing explanations, generating ideas, and helping you think through problems logically. However, it’s essential to use critical thinking and human judgment in the final decision-making process, with this cheat sheet to guide you.
1. Help me solve a math problem: “C.”
Help me [Content]
Help me to understand the differentiation problem.
“The sum of 10 numbers is 550. Find their average number.”
2. Troubleshoot a common computer issue.
Troubleshoot [Problem/Scenerio]
My Laptop is showing “No Internet Error”, Please troubleshoot.
“My computer is running slowly. Can you help me troubleshoot this issue?”
3. Walk me through fixing a leaky faucet.
Walk me through [issue]
We will give the command to the chatGPT to solve the issue. Let’s see how it will help us.
Walk me through the steps for fixing the leakage in the pipeline.
“I have a leaky faucet in my kitchen. Can you walk me through the steps to fix it?”
4. Provide tips for effective time management.
Provide tips for [Content]
Provide a list of [Content]
Provide a list of aerobics exercises.
“What are some practical tips for managing my time more effectively?”
Writing Assistance
ChatGPT also assists with writing.
You can ask for assistance with coming up with creative writing prompts, writing cover letters, summarizing information, and even editing and proofreading your writing. It’s a great tool for honing your writing abilities and creating content of the highest caliber.
1. Generate creative writing prompts.
We can now write short stories and recipe videos using chatGPT in a second.
Generate a syllabus for “The Bank Exam”.
Can you please help me to write the script for the story “The Ugly Duckling.”?
2. Summarize the plot of “D.”
ChatGPT can now help us to give a summary of a specific book.
We can give commands like –
Can you [action] the [adjective]
Can you summarize this article? [insert text]
Can you summarize [title]?
Example: Can you please Summarize the First part of “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”
3. Write a sample cover letter for a job application.
Write a [Topic] [content] on [content].
Write a [adjective] [type of content] for [adjective].
Example: Write a sample cover letter for “Junior Engineer”
4. Help with editing and proofreading this essay.
1. Explain blockchain technology.
Explain the [concept] in [language]
Example: Explain the domain in SAP ABAP.
Explain the While loop in Python.
2. Compare iOS and Android operating systems.
Compare [First part] and [Second Part]
Example: Compare iOS and Android operating systems.
3. How does machine learning work?
How to [action] in [programming language]
How does [programming language] [adjective]
Example: How does machine learning work?
4. Provide coding examples for “E.”
Provide [example] for [specific language Topic]
Example: Provide types of loops.
Provide coding examples for “Python”.
History and Geography
1. Explain the causes of World War I.
Explain [topic 1, topic 2….]
Explain why [topic 1, topic 2….]
Example: Explain the causes of World War 1.
Explain The Battle of Waterloo.
2. Describe the geography of the Amazon rainforest.
Describe [query].
Example: Describe the history of ancient India.
Describe factors affecting the earthquake.
Describe the geography of Maharashtra.
3. Explore the ancient civilizations of “F.”
Explore [toipc 1, topic 2,….]
Explore the concept of [toipc 1]
Example: Explore the ancient civilizations of “Egypt.”
Explore the concept of “Artificial intelligence”.
4. Provide a timeline of major space exploration events.
Provide [Topic name]
Provide x ways to improve [Subject]
Provide steps to [topic]
Example: Provide a timeline of major space exploration events.
Science and Health
1. Explain the human circulatory system.
Explain [Topic]
Explain types of [topic..]
Explain ways to improve [topic]
Example: Explain the human circulatory system.
2. Discuss the benefits of meditation on mental health.
Discuss [toipc].
Example: Discuss the benefits of meditation on mental health.
3. Describe the process of photosynthesis.
Describe [topic].
Example: Describe the process of photosynthesis.
4. Provide tips for a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Provide [adjective]
Provide tips for [topic]
Provide steps to [topic]
Example: Provide tips for healthy weight gain in babies.
Provide a step-by-step guide to making Kohala Juice.
1. Recommend classic movies from the 80s.
Recommend [Query]
Example: Recommend classic movies from the 80s.
Recommend some horror movie names.
Recommend Kumar Sanu songs.
2. Explain the plot of a popular TV series.
Explain [topic]
Explain part of [Topic Name]
Explain the plot of[ Topic Name]
Example: Explain the plot of a popular TV Series, “THE SCAM 1992”.
3. Provide a list of must-read books in the fantasy genre.
Provide a list of [Topic Name]
Provide a list of [Topic Name] of [channel Name]
Example: Provide a list of must-read books in the fantasy genre.
Provide a list of romantic serials.
Provide a list of websites of Hotstar.
4. Suggest fun games to play at a party.
Suggest [topic name]
Example: Suggest fun games to play at a party.
Suggest places to visit in Singapore.
Suggest some fibre-rich foods.
Business and Finance
1. Explain the concept of supply and demand.
Explain [Topic name]
Explain the concept of [Topic Name]
Example: Explain the concept of supply and demand.
Explain principles of leadership.
Explain the pros of supply chain management.
2. Provide tips for successful investment.
Provide [ Topic Name]
Provide tips for [Topic Name]
Example: Provide tips for successful investment.
Provide challenges in succession planning.
3. Describe the principles of effective leadership.
Describe [Topic Name]
Example: Describe the principles of effective leadership.
Describe the process of supply chain Management.
4. How to start a small business from scratch.
How to [Query].
How to develop [Query]
Example: How to start a small business from scratch.
How to develop leadership skills.
Language and Linguistics
1. Explain the origin of the English language.
Explain [Query]
Example: Explain the origin of the English Language.
Explain the types of Tenses.
2. Teach me some common phrases in “G.”
Teach me [Query]
Example: Teach me some common phrases in” English”
Teach me “Part of Speeches”
3. Describe the differences between British and American English.
Describe differences between [topic1] and [topic2]
Describe [Query]
Example: Describe the differences between British and American English.
Describe “Verb”.
4. Help me improve my pronunciation.
Help me to [ Topic name ].
Example: Help me improve my pronunciation.
Help me to convert sentences to passive voice.
Travel and Culture
1. Provide a virtual tour of “H.”
Provide [Topic 1]
Example: Provide a virtual tour of “Kedarnath”.
Provide some “Kerala Trip packages.”
2. Explain the traditions of a specific culture.
Explain [Topic]
Example: Explain the traditions of “Kerala”.
Explain Traditional Navratri culture.
3. Offer tips for budget travel.
Offer [Topic ]
Example: Offer tips for budget travel places to visit.
Offer some of the best packages for “Maldiv Trip”.
4. Recommend local dishes to try in “I.”
Recommend [Query]
Example: Recommend some local dishes to try in “Indore”.
Recommends some of the best things to buy in “Rajasthan”.
Art and Creativity
1. Describe famous artworks by “J.”
Describe [Query]
Example: Describe famous artworks by “Nandlal Bose”
2. Teach me the basics of painting.
Teach [Query]
Example: Teach me the basics of painting.
Teach me canvas painting.
3. Help me write a poem on “K.”
Help me [Query]
Example: Help me to write a poem on “My DAD”
Help me to find MDF bases for my artwork.
4. Explain the principles of graphic design.
Explain [Topic Name]
Example: Explain the principles of graphic design.
Explain acrylic colors.
Hobbies and DIY
1. Give me knitting or crochet tips.
Give me ideas for [Topic 1]
Give me [Topic name]
Give me ideas for [Topic 1] about [content]
Example: Give me knitting or crochet tips.
Give me ideas for a blog post about writing some new DIY Series.
Give me ideas for Lippan Artwork.
2. Explain woodworking techniques.
Explain [Topic name]
Example: Explain Woodworking techniques.
Explain some Watercolor painting techniques.
3. Share tips for gardening in small spaces.
Share [Topic name]
Share tips for [Topic Name]
Share ideas for[Topic Name]
Example: Share tips for gardening in small spaces.
Share best wall decor ideas.
Share some ideas for a DIY Flowerpot.
4. Teach me a new card game.
Teach me [adjective]
Teach me [adjective] on [some content]
Teach me how to [adejctive] [content]
Example: Teach me a new card game.
Teach me how to create Mozaic artwork using ceramic powder.
Teach me a mirror work on mdfbase.
You can also ask questions for self and personal development.
1. How to build self-confidence.
How to [Question]
How to [Subject]
Example: How to build self-confidence?
How do we develop best practices for business ethics?
How to dress up in formal attire for a Job Interview?
2. Techniques for stress management.
Techniques for [Topic]
Example: Techniques for stress management.
Techniques for Interview.
Techniques for leadership management.
3. Explain the benefits of daily meditation.
Explain [Topic name]
Explain [adjective] of [content]
Example: Explain the benefits of daily meditation.
Explain the benefits of Surya namaskar.
Explain the Art of living.
4. Tips for setting and achieving goals.
Tips for [Topic name]
Example: Tips for setting and achieving goals.
Tips for Self Improvement.
Tips for cracking Obstacles.
Philosophy and Ethics
“Philosophy and Ethics” are fundamental disciplines that explore fundamental questions about human existence, morality, and the nature of knowledge. ChatGPT cheat sheet also provides the solution for these topics.
1. Discuss the philosophy of “L.”
Discuss the [ Topic]
Discuss types of [Topic]
Example: Discuss the philosophy of “Indian Consitution”.
Discuss types of Business ethics.
2. Explain utilitarianism and deontology.
Explain [Term/Topic]
Example: Explain utilitarianism and deontology.
Explain Morality.
Explain axiology.
3. Debate the ethics of a controversial topic.
Debate [Term]
Debate in [Term]
Debate the [term]
Example: Debate the ethics of a controversial topic.
Debate in political philosophy.
Debate Metaphysics.
4. Define existentialism and its key figures.
Define [Topic/Term]
Example: Define Existentialism and its key figures.
Define Philosophy.
Define branches of Philosophy.
Current Events
ChatGPT can provide background information, explanations, summaries, and even cheat sheets of current events or news in various fields, including politics, science, technology, culture, and more.
1. Explain the latest developments in “M.”
Explain the [Topic]
Can you Explain [Question]
Example: Explain the latest development in “Urban Cities”?
Explain the current situation in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
Explain factors contributing to the recent share market fluctuations.
Can you explain the impact of recent policy changes or decisions on
Tata Group Of companies.
2. Analyze the impact of recent political decisions.
Analyze [Topic]
Analyze the historical context of the G20 Summit and its parallels to past events.
Analyze the impact of recent political decisions.
3. Provide a summary of the latest scientific breakthroughs.
Provide [Topic]
Can you provide [topic]
Example: Provide the latest statistics on the Maratha reservation.
Provide a summary of the latest scientific breakthroughs.
Can you provide details on the timeline of events leading to the G20 Summit?
4. Discuss the challenges of climate change.
Discuss the [Topic]
Can you discuss[topic]?
Explain: Discuss the challenges of climate change.
Can you discuss climate change with future generations?
Discuss Resource deplication.
1. Share interesting facts about “N.”
Share [term].
Example: Share interesting facts about “Kedarnath Temple.”
Share difficulties in rural area development.
2. Describe the process of making traditional food from “O.”
Describe [Term]
Example: Describe the process of making traditional food from “Rajma.”
Describe the process of making “Dal Bati Churma”.
3. Teach me a magic trick.
Teach me[Term]
Example: Teach me a magic trick.
Teach me the interesting factors about “The APJ Abdul Kalam”.
4. Generate a random riddle or brain teaser.
Generate [topic]
Example: Generate a random riddle or brain teaser.
Generate a short story for “The Tortoise”.
Generate a list of “Best tourist places to visit in Singapore.”
The ChatGPT Cheat Sheet is a handy reference tool that provides quick access to information and guidance on various topics such as technology, science, culture, and more. It offers concise, informative responses and practical tips, making it an excellent resource for quick, accurate information and assistance across various subjects.
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