Course Overview
3h 23m | 23 Videos | 82707 Views | Intermediate
- In this course on ADO. NET in Winforms, you will learn how to do programming using Visual Basics. The course starts from scratch and hence a beginner can also take and enjoy this course.
- The course starts with User Interface Enhancements where we will get acquainted to Data Access components, ADO. NET, Data form wizard, Creating a data form with the help of the data form wizard etc.
- Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is a multi-paradigm, high level programming language, implemented on the .NET Framework. Microsoft launched VB.NET in 2002 as the successor to its original Visual Basic language. Although “.NET” portion dropped in 2005, this article uses “Visual Basic .NET” to refer to all Visual Basic languages releases since 2002, in order to distinguish between them and the classic Visual Basic. Along with Visual C#, it is one of the two main languages targeting the .NET framework.
- Microsoft’s integrated development environment (IDE) for developing in Visual Basic .NET language is Visual Studio. Most of Visual Studio editions are commercial; the only exceptions are Visual Studio Express and Visual Studio Community which are freeware. In addition, .NET Framework SDK includes a freeware command-line compiler called vbc. exe. Mono also includes a command-line VB.NET compiler.
ADO.NET in Winforms Course Highlights:
- Introduction to ADO. NET
Data Access components
Benefits of ADO. NET
ADO. NET architecture
Basic components of ADO. NET
Creating a data table and attaching it to a datagrid
.NET providers
Data form wizard
Creating a data form with the help of the data form wizard
Examples 1
Examples 2
Examples 3
- More on ADO. NET
ADO. NET data providers
Fetching single values for the database
Performing catalog operations
Modifying data in the database
Populating a dataset using the dataadapter
.NET data provider event
Accessing related records
Data binding
Types of binding
Different data sources
Customizing the view of a datatable – data view
Customizing the view of a dataset – the dataviewmanager
Introduction to datarow
Different states of a datarow in a dataview
Datarowstate enumeration
Manipulating the values within data source
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What are the requirements for ADO.NET in Winforms?
- A PC with internet
- The course starts from scratch. No prior programming knowledge required
What am I going to get from this ADO.NET in Winforms?
- Over 24 lectures and 4+ hours of content!
- Learn to Create a data form with the help of the data form wizard
- Understand performing catalog operations
- Understand customizing the view of a data table
Who is the Target Audience for ADO.NET in Winforms Course?
- Programmers
- Developers
- Software Professionals
- Students and Freshers