Course Overview
Advanced VBScript Language (Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition):
This training is to learn about the VBScript language and then execute your VBScript programs on the spot. VBScript Language (Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition) is a general-purpose, light and vigorous scripting language developed by Microsoft that is modelled on Visual Basic. Today, VBScript is the primary scripting language for Quick Test Professional (QTP), which is a test automation tool.
These lectures are for you to learn how this language can be used for automated and web based project development.
The training will help you learn about Procedures, Dialog Boxes, Object Oriented VBScript and other advanced topics.
Target Customers:
- Advanced functionality of VBScript
- Anyone interested in learning about Programming Languages
- Anyone interested in learning IT courses
- Computer programming
- Concepts like variables, constants, expression, statements, etc.
- Programming knowledge of Javascript will be helpful, although
- Interest in the area of information technology
- To enhance your knowledge in the area of IT.