Course Overview
Advanced W3CSS Training:
This tutorial is meant for professionals who would like to learn the advanced elements of W3.CSS and how to use it to create faster, beautiful, and responsive websites. This tutorial explains all the core concepts of W3.CSS.
W3.CSS is a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) developed by W3.CSS is free to use. No license is necessary. Due to small size and less number of rules of course W3.css is faster than bootstrap. On the other end, bootstrap is better in cross browser compatibility, provide alternative solutions using jQuery and have support for old browsers.
Through this training we shall be learning about:
- W3.css. Responsive
- W3.css Layout classes
And many other topics.
Target Customers:
- Students
- Web developers/designers
- Professionals
- Anyone interested in learning W3CSS Framework
- Passion to learn and apply
- Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Document Object Model (DOM), and any text editor