Course Overview
Apache Oozie:
Oozie is a Workflow management tool to manage Apache Hadoop jobs. There are various advantages of working with it wherein it allows cluster administrators to build complex data transformations out of multiple component tasks. It can attend multiple jobs attached with single logical unit of labor and Always supports variables and functions.
This course is basically intended for users who are interested to learn about Apache Oozie and how to work on the data sets with ease using Oozie Actions, Oozie Workflow and coordinator.
Course Objective:
- To understand basic Oozie concepts and commands
- To learn working with data in Oozie
Target Customers:
- Students
- Professionals
- Data analysts/developers
- Developers, Architects and System Administrators
- Anyone who wants to learn about Oozie
- Basic Computer Knowledge
- Experience of coding
- Basic knowledge of Hadoop, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Pig, Hive.