Course Overview
26m | 3 Videos | 67582 Views | All Levels
Basel II Overview Training
This introductory course is for you to learn about the overview of Basel II and upcoming changes. Basel II norms are recommendations on banking laws and regulations issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.
The training will help you learn the following:
- Background of BASEL
- Summary of BASEL I and Shortcomings of BASEL I
- Introduction to BASEL II
- Capital Requirement
- Supervisory Review by Risk Management
- Market Discipline by Disclosures
- Upcoming Changes – BASEL Capital requirement for Market Risk
Target Customers:
- Career-driven banking professionals stay relevant in their roles
- Anyone looking to gain an understanding of Basel II and its practical application
- Accountants
- Banking professionals
- Students
- Basic understanding of the banking industry
- Knowledge of simple accounting and banking terms