Course Overview
Bootstrap – Create Responsive Websites:
Bootstrap is a free and open source front end web framework which is used for designing websites and web applications. Bootstrap is the most famous HTML, CSS and JavaScript framework which are used for developing responsive mobile first projects on the web.
This course on Bootstrap Framework you will be learning the basic concept of bootstrap, why to choose the Bootstrap CSS framework, you will be also learning concept on how to get started with bootstrap, tools & techniques of bootstrap, understanding bootstrap file structure, also you will get to learn about bootstrap’s files from local folder and bootstrap files via CDN.
Further you would learn creating fixed and fluid layout with bootstrap, different types of bootstrap images, working with different bootstrap headings, bootstrap wells, bootstrap buttons, bootstrap button style, bootstrap lists, bootstrap forms, various bootstrap input groups, bootstrap icons, bootstrap Nav, bootstrap navbar, creating breadcrumbs with bootstrap and pagination.
Also you would learn bootstrap modals, vertical form, inline horizontal form, form control state, list group, pagination, bootstrap theme, bootstrap dropdowns, bootstrap alerts boxes, animated alerts, bootstrap tabs, bootstrap tooltips, bootstrap accordion, bootstrap carousel and bootstrap helper classes.
Course Objective:
- Learn how to design website and web applications through bootstrap framework.
- Learn in detailed about the tools and techniques of Bootstrap Framework.
Target Customers:
- Students
- Professionals
- Web developers/designers
- Anyone interested in learning Bootstrap Framework
- Basic Knowledge of Programming Languages
- Passion to Learn