Course Overview
Continuous Integration with Maven + Jenkins + Git:
When you want to create a new version of a program and to ensure the source file have been updated and can be compiled into a new software of the program, this programming utility is called build tools. Typically build tools deals with compilation and packaging software by checking and testing the codes to transform the source code into a portable and useable software images.
Through this training you shall get a complete overview of Maven, Git, Jenkins, TestNG and continuous integration using them.
The training will include the following:
1. Introducing Maven
2. Introduction to Git and Egit
3. Executing Selenium from Maven and TestNG on local.
4. Intro and inegration with Jenkins
5. CI using Git and Jenkins – Polling
6. CI using Jenkins Auth token
7. Git hooks and CI
Target Customers:
- Software developers/engineers
- IT professionals
- Mobile and Web App Developers
- Students
- Basic understanding of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
- Passion to learn and apply