Course Overview
1h 24m | 11 Videos | 60207 Views | Beginner
Easy Mock Tutorial:
EasyMock is a mocking framework, JAVA-based library that is used for effective unit testing of JAVA applications. These tutorials on Easy Mock will help you learn how to create unit tests and also how to use its APIs in a simple and natural way.
The training will include the following;
- Overview
- SetUP
- Getting Started with Application
- Junit Integration
- Adding Behaviour
- Verifying Behaviour
- Expecting Calls.
- Varying Calls
- Exception Handling
- Create Mock
- Create StrictMock
- Create NiceMock
- EasyMock Support
Target Customers:
- Manual testers
- Non-programming testers interested in learning Automation
- Web Automation Testers
- Web testers
- Web developers
- Java developers
- Foundation knowledge of Java
- Additional knowledge of Junit would be great too