Effective Communication Skills Training
It has been proven that achieving greater heights and becoming a great leader is not possible without becoming a great communicator. Here I am not referring to being a talker as there is a vast difference between talking and communicating. Talking means conversation between two or more people but communication means expressing ideas and thoughts to achieve emotional connection. Unfortunately, no academic sessions of ours have ever taught us how to communicate. But attaining effective Communication skills training is as important as any other academic qualification which we or any enthusiastic leader must attain.
Communication seems to be so simple, but truth is that it is not so as often lose its efficacy in spite of our best intentions. What we say can get interpreted in different ways by others which may cause misunderstanding, frustration, and even conflicts. However, we can improve our effective Communication skills training to ensure we are heard, we develop trust and confidence and improve our relationship with others.
What do we understand by Effective Communication Skills Training?
When we talk about effective communication skills training that means we are speaking about how we are heard, and what we are listening. It helps us to deepen our relationship and bond with others and increase our capabilities to solve problems, form an effective team and gain the ability to make decisions. It allows us to communicate even difficult or negative messages without creating conflict or destroying trust. Through effective communication we could better understand the emotions and intentions, we are able to know how to convey our message so that it is well understood and received. It is also the way how you listen and comprehend the message and understand the full meaning and also to make other people feel heard and understood.
How Effective Communication is conveyed
Effective communication skills training is a combination of words, nonverbal communication, engaged listening. It also involves managing the stress, ability to communicate assertively and build the capacity and capability to recognize and understand emotions.
Factors Affecting Communication Skills Training
We inherit the communication skill from our ancestors and family but how we speak also depends on our upbringing, and on our social and cultural background. But there are many other factors too that had a great impact on our communication skills like:
- Our education and upbringing
- Where are we working whether in the corporate sector or non-corporate or whether we are
businessman or a self-employed.
- Whether we are communicating more with our friends, family or our professional circle.
- Our nature and attitude towards life and others; whether we are extrovert or polite or get angry or irritated very soon.
All these factors impact the way we speak and communicate our messages to others. Communication creates more impact when it is spontaneous instead of formulaic. For instance, a speech that is read will not have that much impact as a speech that is delivered. We can learn the skills but we have to put in a lot of efforts to become an effective communicator. The more practice we put in, the more spontaneous our communication skills will become.
What are Hurdles in Effective Communication Training?
- Stress: In the situation of stress or when we are overwhelmed we are likely to misinterpret what other people are trying to say. This might cause frustration or be sending off confusing messages. It is best to take out few moments to get calm down and then continue the conversation.
- Lack of concentration and focus: If we are multitasking it becomes impossible to communicate effectively. While doing daydreaming, checking text messages or doing some urgent task we might miss nonverbal cue during a conversation. At this phase, it is very important for us to stay focused on what we should say and also keep ourselves attentive on the moment to moment activities that are going on around us.
- Inconsistency in body language: Our body language should spontaneously flow with what we are saying. If we are trying to say something while our body language is reflecting something different, our listener will likely to get distracted and the purpose for which we are communicating loses ground.
- Negative signals: If we disagree with somebody do not show negative signals. We might use negative body language instead like by crossing your arms, tapping your feet or avoiding eye contact. In this way, we are showing dislike and also not offending another person too.
If we lack in communication skills what could happen:
- There can be confusion and misunderstanding
- A company can suffer losses
- We can lose trust
- We will not be able to give good job interviews
- We will reduce our confidence level.
How To Develop Effective Communication Skills Training
It is one of the skills that play a very important role in our life, but it is a skill that we often ignore. If we think that we do not require effective communication then we are wrong as each one of us require training in it in a way that we not only can express ourselves through our talks but impress too. There are three ways of communication that we need to practice and these are:
- Non-verbal communication
- Conversation skills
- Assertiveness
Nonverbal communication:
The maximum part of what we communicate is through the nonverbal way. What we convey through our eyes and body language is equally powerful as what is conveyed through words. Our body language and tone of our voice says much about our
- Emotional state
- Our attitude
- The level and extent of knowledge we have and our and
- Nature and Behavior.
Verbal conversation:
While conversing, one of the major problems we face is how to keep the conversation going on? People with amazing backgrounds can get stumbled. We might even find ourselves struggling to convey what we want to say. This is especially true when we are anxious and in this mood sometimes we talk too much which is not good.
It is a way of communication when we try to convey our needs and wants. It is an honest way to express our feelings and needs. When we assert ourselves, we are not judging anyone and neither trying to force our opinion on others but we are simply turning our thoughts into words so that others get the message what we wanted to convey. Through assertive communication, we tend to relate ourselves to others with open mind and heart.
What makes a good communicator?
It is our ability to generate keenness and responsiveness among others that makes us a great communicator. Great leaders have this capability in them what makes them different than others. They would talk about their ideas and convey their thoughts in a way that makes people emotionally connected. One of the best examples of it I can give of is “I have a dream”, speech which was given by Martin Luther King on 28th August 1963 and the impact of this speech was tremendous. It triggered the emotions of millions of black Americans and raised their aspirations for freedom.
However, to reach this level of effectiveness requires effort, hard work, and training. And Educba provides you that. The institute helps you reach the level of communication that would make you successful in whatever field you are and whatever you want to achieve.
Following is the course guideline that Educba offers to improve your communication skills:
The course is divided into four sections
The first section began with the introduction of effective communication skills training going into detail of how effective communication skills are important in our day to day lives. This section motivates us to start working on our weaker points and instill in us the confidence to improve the way we talk, listen, and convey our message to the people.
The second section deals with the explanation of communication skills. We are taught about different modes and types of communication, how to effectively communicate verbally as well as non-verbally. To communicate verbally is still easy but giving non-verbal expressions to convey messages is far more difficult. Students are taught very precisely and in detail how to convey non-verbal messages clearly and without offending others.
In the third section, students are told about hurdles or barriers that come in effective communication and how to overcome the same?
These barriers are:
- Lack of listing and language barrier: We are told how we sometimes tend not to listen properly or ignore what others are trying to say. Good listening is also an important part of communication process which cannot be ignored. Students are trained to how to listen effectively.
Sometimes we have to face language barrier too because of the cross-cultural environment where we are working. Students are taught how to effectively put across the message even though there is a language barrier.
- Misinterpretation of Non-Verbal Communication: Non-verbal communication is generally misinterpreted leading to confusions. Students are taught how to effectively convey through non-verbal ways so that our message is interpreted correctly.
- Lack of Knowledge & Perception: Often lack of knowledge leads to confusion, as what we want to say we are not able to communicate effectively. Students are told how to cultivate the habit of gaining as much knowledge on the topic that is to be conveyed before delivering it. Students are also taught how to perceive the things properly and adequately well.
The last section is very important as now students are given actual tips on how to effectively communicate, whether verbally or non-verbally which helps them to cultivate the skills of communication.
In this section, students are taught
- How to communicate in different situations like how to address the clients
- How to deal with the problems
- How to deal with team members
- How to make decisions and
- How to communicate with the boss and colleagues?
In each case, the communication style differs and we need to learn each skill.
Effective Communication Skills Training Frequently Asked Questions?
- When can we learn communication skills at home, why it is important for us to take course?
You know how to communicate well but the level of competency required in this professional world cannot be achieved unless you take up a communication skill course. How the way you interact and deal with the clients creates a lot of impacts. Employers seek a candidate who can communicate and the level of confidence he displays. In spite of the experience and skills, many candidates fail in interviews only because they lack the level and intensity that is required in conversation. Students are given maximum practice in these areas which makes a lot of difference in their life. Their confidence level is doubled and they can achieve communication competence. Whichever degree you have, it is communication studies that will benefit you in your professional, personal and social life.
- Is getting a communication certificate beneficial?
Communication skills have always been in a top priority list of the employers who are looking for right talent. A career path in communication skill is also limitless. Learning the skills to communicate properly comes more into play if you are looking a career in customer relations, sales, training, public relations, teamwork, mass media and communication, teacher, lecturer, speaker, leader, orator, fashion designer etc. Whether you are a minor or a major, whether you have entered the workforce or going in for pursuing a graduate course, it would serve you well. And if you feel you love communication studies and you wanted to teach others too in communication you can join any communication college or university as a teacher or as an instructor.
- What will you study in the Communication course?
The main focus of the communication studies is a study of human communication within the context of interpersonal relations, public communication, cultures etc. A topic of the study varies from language and meaning,, relationship studies, conflict management, problem-solving, leadership etc. Students are made to go through both the theoretical as well as practical concepts of each discipline and application.
- Are there any specific requirements for the communicative course?
No, there are no prerequisite or specific requirements for joining a communicative course. However, if you have a college-level reading or writing skills that would help you.
Effective Communication Skills Training Testimonials
I am working as a marketing executive in a leading pharmaceutical firm but sometimes while conversing with my seniors and clients I stumble and often unable to deliver what I want to say, but when I joined Educba all this changed. The course helped me a lot in overcoming my weaknesses. Now I can confidently talk about anything and whatever I feel even in front of many people. I am really thankful to Educba for instilling in me the skills of communication and building confidence in me.
The course had been fantastic as not only I am able to speak comfortably well but also able to give my best in my career. As a fashion designer I know how important is communication skills for us and I can now proudly testify it through the way I speak and successfully present my designs. Thank you Educba.
Lawrence Mike
I can feel now I can talk even in a group of hundred people. This level of confidence I have gained after I joined Effective Communication Skills training in Educba. I have also gained skill of how to impress others with talks and win their confidence in which I was getting problem earlier. The training provided is commendable.
The complete training program is really good. I enjoyed the way instructors conducted classes which was a mix of practical and theory. The tips that they gave me really worked well in my current situation and in the position I am working. I am really thankful to Educba to make me a changed person.
D Souza
I was very a shy girl till the day I joined Educba. The way they taught us really helped me a lot in getting rid of my shyness and to open freely and frankly. Now I can speak confidently in whatever situation I may fall into.
Where do our learners come from? |
Professionals from around the world have benefited from eduCBA’s Effective Communication Skills training courses. Some of the top places that our learners come from include New York, Dubai, San Francisco, Bay Area, New Jersey, Houston, Seattle, Toronto, London, Berlin, UAE, Chicago, UK, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, India, Bangalore, New Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Gurgaon among many. |