Course Overview
Google Go Golang Programming Series (Module #2) – Strings, Controls and Functions:
Golang is a programming language developed by Google. Golang or Go Language Programming is an open source language which is highly efficient at what it does. Golang Programming is a high-level programming language which means it directly comes into the likes of Python, Ruby and Perl.
Through this course you will learn about string conversions, times and dates, pointers, if… else statements, switch keyword, counter controlled iteration, break, continue and Goto, intro to GO-functions, parameters and return values, blank identifiers, passing variables through parameters, defer and tracing, built-in and recursive functions and functions as parameters.
Course Objective:
- Learn in detail about the string conversions in Go Lang Programming
- Learn what are control structures and different functions in Go Lang Programming.
Target Customers:
- Students
- Software Developers Professionals
- Anyone interested to learn Golang Fundamentals
- Basic knowledge of Programming Languages
- Passion to learn