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Course Overview

What is SAS Beginners using Business Analytics Courses?
Business Analytics means the study of data with the help of operational and statistical analysis, optimization techniques and the communication of the output to the customers and businesses. It is not just providing data to a business but it also helps in improving the business through the business intelligence tools. Business analytics courses help in having a detailed knowledge of the business performance
Why Business Analytics?
The following are the key advantages of Business Analytics Courses
- Improves the decision making process
- Aligning the business with the strategy
- Cost-effective
- Improves competitiveness
- Increases revenue
- Making the data available on a timely basis
- Shares information with the business people
Business Analytics Courses Objectives
At the end of this SAS using Business Analytics courses, you will be able to
- Become competent in data analytics methods like reporting, clustering, and others
- Work on data exploration, data visualization, and predictive modeling techniques
- Gain deeper knowledge in analytics and understand its basic concepts
- Understand and work with statistical concepts
- Write your own SAS codes on the SAS platform
- Perform better data analytics
- Make decisions fast
Pre Requisites for Business Analytics Courses
This Business Analytics courses can be taken up by anyone who is interested in analytics. Basic statistical knowledge and mathematical skill is an added advantage to this course.
Business Analytics Target Audience
These Business Analytics courses are meant for people who are more interested in the field of data analytics. Students and professionals who wanted to become an expert in data analytics is also the target of this course.
Business Analytics Training Description
Section 1: Introduction to SAS Business Analytics
This Section is just a brief introduction to the SAS package. This section explains what is SAS? Where is it used? Why is it used? SAS business analytics for different operating systems and also covers some of the basic features of SAS. Here you can also learn how to download SAS and input data into SAS. A short SAS business analytics courses program is included in this section for your easy understanding.
Section 2: SAS Dataset
This chapter will let you learn how to read SAS data sets. It includes the many ways through which the SAS data set can be read and can also be modified. You will learn how to create permanent and temporary data sets and also about the statements used to read the SAS datasets and for performing other functions in a data set. In SAS business analytics there are three main things to know while reading data – Where your data resides, a format of the data and the kind of dataset that you need to create.
Practical Example of reading Dataset
A simple practical example and a program to read the data and creating a temporary or permanent dataset is given in this section. The output of the program is also given for your easy understanding.
Introduction to SAS Dataset with examples
This chapter gives a brief introduction to SAS dataset. You will also learn the following from this chapter
- Reading data from one SAS dataset to another SAS dataset
- Manipulating data in a dataset
- Finding out the first and last observations in a dataset
- Finding the end of a SAS dataset
The observations and variables of a dataset are explained in detail in this chapter with few practical examples.
The program to read the data into SAS business analytics is explained using a program along with its output
Date Value
In this section, you will learn how to process the dates and times within the SAS system in various aspects. In particular, you will learn
- Basics of data in SAS
- How date and time value is defined in SAS
- How informants are used to reading data into a SAS dataset
- How format is used to display date value
- How date value can be used in calculation
- What are the various other date functions available and how to use them
- What are the two Date System Options in SAS
SAS Formats
Here you will learn What is Formats in SAS, its syntax, how to use formats and also the following other things
- Changing a format during the data step or PROC step with examples
- The four categories of formats
- Its description and example of each format
Reading Excel Worksheets
This section will help you learn how to read or write excel files in SAS business analytics. It includes
- How to set up the excel file
- How to save the excel file
- Types of excel files that can be imported
- Instructions to use the import wizard
- Sample program
Date Format Example
This section contains the format and the SAS business analytics elements that are available to work with date data.
Section 3: Raw Data File Standard and Example
This chapter includes the following topics
- What is a raw data file?
- How is it different from other data files?
- Why is raw data files created?
- Methods of creating raw data files using EXPORT, Output Delivery System and Data step with FILE and PUT statements.
- Each method of creating raw data files is explained with examples in the form of programs.
Section 4: Raw Data File Non-Standard
Under this section, you will know what is the meaning of non-standard data and how these data can be read in SAS. Few examples of the non-standard data are given for your easy understanding and it includes dates, times and packed decimal and integer binary numbers. You will also learn how information is used to read the value of non-standard data file. Modified list input’s role in the process of reading the non-standard data file is explained in detail with few examples.
- Length Statement
This chapter defines what is a lengthy statement and how it helps to set the length of the character variables with examples
- Compilation Execution
Compilation and execution are the two phases of SAS. In this chapter, we will see the detailed explanation of these two phases with a typical flow chart of the data step processing
- Data errors
Here you will know the basics of debugging, the four types of errors in SAS programs and reading and interpreting the SAS messages. Each of the error is explained with a simple example for easy understanding.
- Heading
Under this section, you will learn how to customize the row and column headings in SAS. It also helps you to understand how the PROC TABULATE function works in SAS with a simple illustration.
- Validate Data using PROC format
This chapter will explain how to use PROC FORMAT for data validation and clean up with few examples.
- Validate Data PROC MEANS
Under this chapter, you will learn what is PROC MEANS, how and where to use PROC MEANS in SAS. It is explained with simple programs.
- Constants in SAS
Here we will learn what are the SAS constants, types of constants and the explanations for each type of constants.
- Statements of SAS
This section contains the following topics
- Introduction to all the basic statements used in SAS like Assignment, If Then, If then, Do, Where, DROP and various other statements.
- The syntax of each of the statement, its arguments, expressions used and the details are given
- Example for each kind of statement is also given for your reference.
Section 5: Append
In this chapter, you will learn the following topics
- What is Append Statement?
- Arguments of Append statement
- Options for Append statement
- Appending sorted datasets
- Using the Block method to append
- Restricting the observations
- Appending Password protected datasets
- Appending compressed datasets
- Appending Indexed Dataset
- Appending to datasets with different variables and with different attributes
- Appending with generation groups
- Using APPEND procedure in place of APPEND statement
- Examples of using APPEND statement for each method
Under this chapter, you will learn what is Concatenation and the steps involved in concatenation. Examples are given for Concatenation using the DATA step and using SQL.
Merging means two or more SAS datasets are combined into a single observation. In this chapter, an overview of the merging, its syntax, arguments, and the following topics are explained
- Using Dataset lists with MERGE
- One to One merging
- One to Many merging
- Match Merging
- Examples of each type of Merging
Section 6: Option Statements
Global Statements
Global statements can be used anywhere in a SAS program. These statements are not executable but they take effect as soon as SAS compiles program statements. Under this chapter, you will learn the basic definition of global statements in SAS, a table that lists the different global statements by category, the functionality and the description of each global statement is explained in detail which helps you to easily understand.
Section 7: Title and Foot Note
The Title and Footnote statements in SAS have a control over the content, appearance, and placement of the title and footnote in a text. This chapter contains the syntax, required arguments of Title and Footnote statements, The various options, step by step procedure of using TITLE and FOOTNOTE statement in SAS, measurement units for using TITLE and FOOTNOTE statements options and finally the examples of using these statements are given. The chapter also covers topic regarding customizing the TITLE and FOOTNOTE statement by using variable values and output delivery system.
BY Statement
BY statement controls the options of a SET, MERGE, MODIFY or UPDATE statements in a SAS. Here we will learn the following topics
- Arguments of BY statement
- How do SAS identify the beginning and end of a BY group in a DATA step
- How do SAS identify the beginning and end of a BY group in a PROC step
- How to process the BY groups
- Examples of using the BY statement
WHERE Statement
This chapter contains general information about the Where statement, in DATA steps, in PROC steps, operands used in where expressions and the operators used in where expressions. Examples of using the WHERE statement and the various WHERE expressions are also given. One tip is that you can use various multiple WHERE expressions and the example of multiple WHERE statement is also provided for your reference.
Section 8: ODS Statements
In this chapter, you will learn What is Output Delivery System, benefits of using ODS, Concepts of ODS, a basic structure of ODS statements, explanations for the different terminologies used in ODS, ODS and the DATA step, System options for ODS, the Document procedure, and the Template procedure. Example for the ODS statement can be found in this chapter.
Section 9: Date Functions
- SAS Date Functions
This topic involves an Introduction, Functions used to create SAS date, date time, and Time Values, Functions that extract the year, month, day, Hours, minutes, seconds from a SAS date, functions that work with time intervals, functions that calculates the dates of standard holidays and Julian dates.
- SAS Functions
In this chapter an introduction about the SAS function is provided. Then the different type of SAS functions are given a brief introduction with examples under the following topics
- Character Function
- Perl Regular Function
- Sort Functions
- Date and Time Functions
- Array Functions
- Truncation Functions
- Descriptive Statistics Functions
- Mathematical and Numeric Functions
- Random Number Functions
- Special Functions
- State and Zip Code Functions
- Trigonometric Functions
- Macro Functions
- SAS File I/O Functions
- Variable Information Functions
- Bitwise Logical Functions
Section 10: Multiple SAS Datasets
In this chapter you will learn how to write observations for two or more SAS datasets with example for the same and writing multiple observation for the two or more datasets with illustration program.
Section 11: Select Group
The SELECT statement always starts with SELECT group that involves a WHEN statement. Under this topic, you will learn how to use SELECT group statement and what is the use of it. Example of SELECT group statement is given
Section 12: Do Loop
When you wanted to repeat a statement again and again in SAS programming then you need to use DO loop. There are also iterative Do loops which repeat an action for a particular number of time and Do loops which are continued until a particular condition is met. These are called DO UNTIL and DO WHILE Loops. Such loops are explained in detail in this section with examples.
Section 13: Array
- Array
In this lesson, we shall learn about basic array processing in SAS. You will come to know what is an array in SAS, why it is used and where it is used. You can learn about the different type of arrays like a one-dimensional array, a two-dimensional array, the array elements and other details of an array with few examples.
- SAS Statement
This chapter includes the definition of statements in SAS, the two types of basic SAS statements – the one used in DATA step processing and the other one Global statements. Under the DATA step statements, there are two types – Executable and Declarative Statements. All these statements are explained in brief with simple examples.
Business Analytics FAQ’s
- How will SAS help us?
SAS knowledge will increase your career opportunities and marketability. It improves your credibility as a technical professional. As SAS is considered as the recent technology you can get a higher salary in the market by becoming a SAS expert.
- How is the Business Analytics training designed?
Our business analytics courses are designed with the objective of training the people with what companies expect from them in the future. We design the course with all the recent topics included so people who take up this course are also updated with the information.
Stephen Wessmark
I am a working professional and online Business Analytics courses is the best option for me. This online course regarding SAS was a great experience for me. It helped me learn a lot of new things using their online course. It was also easy to learn and understand.
This course was very useful and self-explanatory. I am impressed with the way the Business Analytics courses are organized. The course was detailed with good examples which made the learning process easy. Because of this course, I was able to understand the Business Analytics using SAS much better than before. It is the best course for beginners.
Where do our learners come from? |
Professionals from around the world have benefited from eduCBA’s SAS – SAS Programming for Beginners Courses. Some of the top places that our learners come from include New York, Dubai, San Francisco, Bay Area, New Jersey, Houston, Seattle, Toronto, London, Berlin, UAE, Chicago, UK, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, India, Bangalore, New Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Gurgaon among many. |