Course Overview
Manage Web Elements Using Selenium:
Selenium IDE is a fully-featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This basically installs as a plugin in Mozilla Firefox and enables developers to test their web applications using Selenium. This way you can enhance the quality of your software web app. It is also used in order to record user interactions with the web browser and play them back to test for errors. It is easy to install and also to learn.
Through these tutorials we are going to understand how to manage web elements in Selenium IDE.
This training will include the following;
1. Manage text Fields
2. Manage links
3. Controlling execution using testing xml
4. Usage of text () to identify element & usage of css selector (nth child)
5. What is List and How to handle multiple web elements using List Interface?
6. Identify multiple elements within a specific element (Method 1)
7. Identify multiple elements within a specific element (Method 2)
8. What is Stale Element Exception and How to resolve the error?
9. Dropdown elements
10. Radio Button Check Box
Training Learning Objectives:
- To learn a testing tool – a product of Selenium.
- To enhance your software testing knowledge.
Training Target Audience:
- Students
- Testing Professionals
- Software developers
- Software testers
- Anyone who wants to learn software testing
Training Pre-Requisites:
- Familiar with HTML
- Using Java script and DOM (Document Object Model)