Course Overview
RequireJS Tutorials:
This comprehensive tutorial on Require JS will help you get started with it and also understand its functions in detail.
RequireJS is a JavaScript library and file loader which copes with the dependencies between JavaScript files and in modular programming.
The training includes the following;
- Introduction
- Setting up Environment
- Configuration
- Functions
- Define Function
- OptimiZer
- AMD & Modules
- Require JS using Jquery
- Require JS using Node JS
- Require JS using Dojo
- Require JS using Common JS
- Plugins
Course Objective:
- To enable developers to code and build applications.
Target Customers:
- Students
- Professionals
- Software Prgrammers
- Website Designers
- Basic Computer Knowledge
- Passion to learn
- Basic Programming Terminologies
- JavaScript
- Knowing CSS and HTML will be an added advantage