Course Overview
Smart SVN Training:
SmartSVN is the cross platform, graphical client for Apache Subversion, from WANdisco. SmartSVN is reliable in speed, supports shell integration, it is fast and easy to update. It has a powerful standalone GUI as well. SmartSVN has the ability to locally see all the files that have changed in the repository but have not been updated to the local working copy. Considering its great features we thought of introducing a beginner level training to learn about this subversion.
The training includes the following;
- SmartSVN Setup
- Different panels in SmartSVN
- Commands in SmartSVN
- SubWindows of SmartSVN
- Integrations and best practices
- Basic knowledge on simple terminologies like programming language, source code.
- Working know how of software development/testing
- Students
- Software developers
- Software testers
- Anyone interested in learning SVN system in simple and easy steps