Course Overview
Tips to enhance Personality:
Through this Tips to enhance Personality we are going to understand ways to develop and enhance one’s personality. The tutorials will help you learn about Fundamental techniques in handling people, Ways to make people like you, & Win people to your way of thinking, understand the Assertive Leadership & techniques to handle worry, How winners differ from losers & few important tips, What qualities are required to be improved upon for becoming an ideal leader, Interpersonal skills & the traits needed, Personality attributes of making bold decisions, List of personality types, The 4 personality types & their traits:- Perfectionist, helpers, achievers & romantics, Observers & Questioners, Enthusiasts, Bosses & Peacemakers and finally the personality tests such as MBTI Test, Live personality test.
This is an online course on Personality development tips through this course you will be learning about how to develop personality,things to enhance personality, fundamental techniques in handling people, win people, be a laeader concept, assertive leadership concept, how winners are different from loosers, tips to enhance personality, concept on personality begets leadership qualities, interpersonal skills, personality types and leadership qualities, perfectionist, helpers, achievers, concept on observers and questioners, enthusiast bosses and peacemakers, and concept on personality test.
Tips to enhance Personality Pre-Requisites:
- A PC with an internet
- Passion to learn
Tips to enhance Personality Target Audience:
- Students
- Professionals
- Anyone interested in learning about personality development