Course Overview
Vegas Pro Masking Training Course:
This Vegas Pro course is specific to learning about Basic Masking, Advanced Masking and Pan, crop and masking. In basic masking you shall learn about oval masking tool, Rectangle Masking Tool, Different shapes in masking, Carve out videos, Multiple Masks and Free Hand Masking. In advanced masking you will learn about animated masking, Adjusting the masking points, Editing the character with mask, Rhythm of the mask and Keyframe Animation. The final section on pan, crop masking you wil learn about Compositing the layer, Symmetrical movement masking, Back animation, adding curves and a lot more in the area of masking.
Pre-Requisites Vegas Pro Masking:
• Computer with Internet connectivity to learn about Vegas Pro Masking
• Passion to learn about Vegas Pro Masking
Course Objective Vegas Pro Masking:
• To study in detail about Vegas Pro Masking