Updated April 12, 2023
Part – 3 – MS Excel Tutorial Case Study
Transcript For The Video – MS Excel Tutorial Case Study
Video on “MS Excel tutorial” – Hello Friends in order to learn the basic excel functionalities we will use the situational case study let us start by assuming that u have been hired by this company xyz in the human resource department and the basic first task that has been given to you is to analyze the over all salary structure or the list of employees males female etc. and come up with some kind of insights now these insights may be clearly defined or may not be clearly defined some of the insights which probably we can think of right now could be how many male employees are there in xyz company how many female employees are in xyz company what is the maximum salary of an employee other question can be what is the minimum salary of an employee how many number of employees are there in the firm how many IT support employees what is the average salary let say among males what is the average salary among females these are some of the basic questions that u may ask yourself while you analyze this list of employees now the idea of doing such kind of analysis is that all this analysis can be done by looking at this table it self however if u have to really make an efficient use of your time you have to really master excel. Mastering Excel would mean that first and foremost, the first step would be to take this data which we have to an Excel sheet, and there we can do as many analyses as we want by using Excel functionalities, so the first step would be to master data entry in excel, and that is what we are going to learn in our next video.
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