How to have Effective Meetings? Meetings are an integral part of everyday life in a corporate, and the number of hours you spend in meetings keeps increasing as you rise higher in an organization. Except for a few roles of an “Individual Contributor” where attending meetings is relatively less, a substantial portion of a person’s working day will be spent in meetings in all other roles.
While the time spent in meetings at the entry-level can be as low as 5-10% of the total time, at senior levels, this time can shoot up to 90-95% of the working time. No wonder senior-level persons must be workaholics as they must find time over and above their working hours spent on meetings to finish their work.
Since so much of an organization’s time is spent on meetings, it is important to understand why we have meetings. Since, in a large organization, all tasks are completed by teams of people working together, most of the organization’s meetings are internal meetings to accomplish any one of the specific purposes.
You will learn that meeting internal specific effective work-
1. Why do we have meetings?
2. Cost of Meetings (COM)
3. Tips on how to Have Effective Meetings
#1: Pre-work tips
#2: Tips during the meeting
#3: Post-work (after the meeting)
I) Why do we have meetings?
- Information Sharing Meetings:- These meetings are conducted to share information and updates occasionally, for example – effective meeting training, new policies, etc.
- Status Update Meetings: – These meetings are used when a set of people or teams are working together on different parts of a project and need to share updates on the status of the work they are doing. These meetings are typically repetitive and get repeated after a fixed time interval like daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
- Decision-Making Meetings: – These meetings are typically when a decision needs to be made, and the decision-maker wants inputs from different stakeholders before making the decision.
- Problem-Solving Meetings: – Sometimes, a group of people comes together to brainstorm, discuss, and decide on the best way to solve an organizational problem.
- Miscellaneous Type of meetings: – There can be some other meetings like innovation meetings, effective team-building meetings, performance review meetings, audit review meetings, effective board meetings, etc.
Besides the internal meetings, there can be several types of meetings with external stakeholders that a person may need to attend. For this article’s purpose, we will confine our discussion to internal meetings that entry-level and mid-effective meetings management level person needs to attend.
II) Cost of Meetings (COM):
Is there something like the cost of meetings (COM)? The answer is a definitive yes, and it is the summation of all the costs of the people attending the meetings plus the infrastructure cost for that meeting. For our discussion, we can assume that the cost of a meeting is the cost that the company incurs in terms of the time spent on that meeting by the participants.
Let me clarify this further by giving you an example. In most companies, the head of various effective department meetings will typically meet once a week or a fortnight for one or two hours to discuss operational issues.
In an organization, XYZ, ten senior leaders meet once a week for two hours. Also, let’s assume that.
- The average CTC of these senior leaders is Rs 36 Lakhs.
- Therefore average salary per month = 36,00,000/12 = 300,000
- Therefore average salary per day = 3,00,000/30= 10,000
- Assuming 10 hours of working per day – Av. Cost per hour = 10,000/10 = Rs. 1000/-
- Time for 10 leaders meeting for 2 hours = 10 * 1000 * 2 = 20,000/-
Hence, the cost of this meeting is 20,000/- Rs. However, we have used a very simplified model in the above; if we add more complexity by considering the benefits of effective meetings and the fact that employees work only for 22 days a month, etc., the actual meeting cost will easily double this amount. You can use a meeting cost calculator to more accurately calculate the cost of your meetings.
Now that you have understood that meetings have a cost. It is a brainer to understand why effective meetings are very important for any organization, as a significant portion of its employees’ time is spent on meetings.
So, let’s learn how to avoid having dull, unproductive, disorderly, and too-long meetings. Based on my 20+ years of experience in the corporate and attending, on average, 3+ meetings every day, here are some tips on making the meetings more effective.
First and foremost, with proper planning and preparation, any meeting can be effective and enjoyable. The meeting will be effective if the facilitator plans properly, execute flawlessly, and follows up properly.
III) Tips on how to Have Effective Meetings
The effective meeting tips can have three parts
- Pre-work (Before the meeting)
- During the meeting
- Post-work (After the meeting)
#1: Pre-work tips
- Agenda:
- The person who will run the meeting needs to decide on the purpose of the meeting.
- What are the necessary outcomes?
- Based on these, an agenda for the meeting needs to be developed.
The agenda for the meeting needs to be very clear about the outcomes expected. If the agenda of the meeting is not clear, then the desired outcome will not be achieved. Let me give you an example to clarify this – Let’s say you need to organize a meeting to review the sales no. of the last quarter and decide on the next quarter’s action. Then, in that case, you may send the agenda for the meeting in any one of the ways like
- Meeting to review Sales.
- The review Sales figure for Q2
- Discussion on sales.
In each of the above cases, the agenda is not very clear, and the chances are that the meeting will go all over the place and the participants will not be prepared for the meeting, reducing the meeting’s effectiveness drastically
So let’s look at what a good agenda for this meeting would look like:
Title: Sales Review Meeting Duration: 2 hours
Sr. No | Subject | Presenter | Duration |
1 | Introduction & background | Jacob | 10 Mins |
2 | Presentation on Northern & Western region (Last quarter results, what went right, what went wrong) | Sheena | 30 Mins |
3 | Presentation on the Southern & Eastern region (Last quarter results, what went right, what went wrong) | Edie | 30 Mins |
4 | Open discussion on the performance, areas of improvement, and deciding the strategy for next quarter | Matt | 40 Mins |
5 | Review of actions from the meeting | Rachel | 10 Mins |
As you can see from the above effective meeting agenda, it becomes obvious that the meeting’s structure is clear. The participants who are supposed to present know what they need to present and the duration within which they need to complete the effective meetings presentation.
Therefore, such a detailed agenda will help ensure that meetings become more effective.
- Participants List: Most of the time, the organizers do not consider who the participants need to be invited. Based on the outcome required from the meeting, it is essential that the correct set of participants are invited.
If some of the required participants are missed, the decision cannot be made. Alternatively, suppose we end up inviting unnecessary participants. In that case, they will waste their time, feel bored during the meeting, and may disturb the discussions.
- Other Misc. things: Some other things that the organizer needs to keep in mind is to ensure that
- The correct size of the meeting room is booked, which is simple to manage with room booking software.
- Participants confirm their participation in the meeting in advance.
- If the participants are supposed to go thru any data/reading material/ preparatory material, then the same needs to be sent well in advance.
- At times all the participants are expected to present their material in a standard way; in such a case, templates must be circulated in advance.
#2:Tips during the meeting:
- Start the meeting and end the meeting on time. If the meeting has time slots for different agenda pieces, keep track of time and ensure that those time limits are strictly followed.
- If possible, serve light refreshments or tea/coffee; they are good icebreakers and keep the members awake and engaged.
- Greet the members at the beginning of the meeting, give the background, and quickly go through the meeting’s agenda and the expected outcome to ensure that all the participants are on the same page.
- Encourage discussions to get all points of view and effective meeting ideas. If some of the members are not talking, ask them specific questions to get their opinions.
- Always keep the conversation focused on the topic. Ensure that the discussion is constructive, with no repetitive comments. You can tactfully end discussions when they get nowhere or become destructive or unproductive.
- At the end of the meeting, summarize the meeting discussion, agreements reached, and actions that need to be taken, and decide on the time of the next meeting (if needed). This can be easily done with the help of AI note-taking tools to maximize your time.
#3: Post-work (after the meeting):
So you had a good productive discussion in the meeting, where people have agreed on the action that needs to be taken. So is it OK for you to relax?
The answer is a big “NO”, and the reason is that the biggest challenge in any organization is that people, after attending the meeting, do not follow up on the actions that are assigned to them. As a result, the actions are never completed, and the expected outcomes do not come thru.
To ensure that you achieve the expected outcomes immediately (within max2-3 working days), you need to send to all the participants the Minutes of the Meeting “MOM” along with the actions that came out of the meeting.
Your MOM and Action items, in general, should contain the following.
- Summary of discussion that took place
- Agreements reached
- Areas where there were disagreements and where follow-up meetings/ discussions are necessary.
- Action items
Now coming to MOM and Action items, in my experience, I have seen that most of the participants do not catch the actions clearly, and as a result, they do not get implemented. Let me explain this with an example.
In the meeting we discussed above, the action items will be sent like this most of the time.
Action Items
- To create a sales strategy for “C” Customers.
- Check on the feasibility of selling product x
- Improve sales in Kanpur by 10 %
- Have a follow-up meeting to discuss the new completion in the south.
The above actions are ineffective as it does not have the following.
- Name of the person who is responsible for the action
- Time in which the Action needs to be completed.
So a better way of presenting the Action Items will be
Sr. No | Action Item | Responsibility | Due Date | Comments | |
Primary | Support | ||||
1 | Create an effective sales strategy for “C” Customers who are not purchasing our products and should be brought for discussion in the next review meeting. | Martin | Jinal | 10th Oct. | |
2 | Create a test marketing plan for “Product X” in the Manhattan Market based on which all India-level rollouts can be planned. | Rick | Jared | 15Th Oct | It should also include detailed costing of advertisement’s planned. |
3 | Ohio Sales team to increase their sales by 10% in November | Hobert | Petricia | 30th Nov | |
4 | Set a follow-up meeting by mid-November to discuss the actions from today’s meeting and review our competitor’s marketing strategy for the southern region. | Eric | Nov 10Th |
As you can see from the above action items, these actions are much more likely to be completed as there is no ambiguity on who will complete the action and the timeline within which the meeting needs to be completed.
To summarize, a lot of organizational time, effort, and money are spent on meetings. Therefore, each employee must ensure that the meetings are effective.
By following some of the simple steps mentioned above, you can improve your meetings’ quality quite a bit. Additionally, do a critical review of all the meetings you attend to check what went right and what was wrong. This will go a long way in ensuring that you become a master at having effective meetings.
I hope we have justified the answer to the question, How to have Effective Meetings?
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