Updated April 12, 2023
Introduction to JavaScript reverse Array
The JavaScript has lot of default methods for developing the client side web pages more secure and customize things. In that array has the set of sequence elements of the given array in that array has default method called reverse() which means it will be used as the array which has to be declared and initialized in the variable and also it returns the element has reverse sequence of the JavaScript web page. When we use default method called reverse() in the script the array element orders is the last element will becomes first and the first element becomes last in the orders.
The JavaScript has their own syntax for initializing the variables and functions in the web page. In that reverse is one of the JavaScript method for using the arrays element has displayed the output in the descending order.
function function_name()
var variable name;//variable name declared in the array format
var variable name1 = variable name.reverse();
Above codes are one of the basic formats for declaring the JavaScript arrays and using reverse method in the script.
How does JavaScript reverse Array work?
The reverse() method will become reverses the array in the script for various places the first element of the variable become the last and the last element become first so it has followed the LIFO(Last IN FIRST OUT) data structure sequence. If the reverse function will transposes the elements of the calling array instance in the place mutating in the array list and also it has to be returning that references to the array.
Reverse method is always intentionally with the generic conditions this method also can be called or applied to the instances and resembling the arrays objects which do not contain a length property and its attributes has reflecting the last in a series of consecutives with zero-based numerical properties and may not have follow it the behave for meaningful manners.
In JavaScript it has many type of reverse functions reverse array and reverse arrayInPlace these two functions will use in the different sequential in script.The reverse array it takes the array as an parameter and it produces a new array for the same elements in the descending order and the second method called reverseArrayInPlace is used for whatever we have achieved in the reverse method does used and it modifies the arrays given as parameter also in order to reverse its elements for either it will used in the standard reverse method or we used some loop conditions for reversing the array elements in the code like for loop is one of the best way for reverse and traversing the array elements.
The reverse method mainly used and called for reverse an array in place order also called as Array Reverse if we use for loop to iterate and print the elements in reverse order but performance wise and also time saving purpose we use Array.reverse method for taking less time consumption for achieving the array revere order we use slice method for to make a copy of the array elements which has for starting index like zero(0) then we use reverse function on the cloned arrays.
If we use slice method it allows effectively and it clone the arrays and it gives us a new object it will be used it in the other ways of the JavaScript. When using slice() method if we want to modify the values which has to be already declared in the method and also it might be produced with an unplanned output as the result. Whenever we use reverse() method parallelly slice() method also applicable if we want to use the arrays in the script with contains object as the references or nested arrays or simple complex instance slice method also does not accept a copy and deep copy options. The reverse array has flipping out arrays are upside and downside we iterate the arrays in normally reverse function also planned for functioned the array elements in the correct way.
Examples of JavaScript reverse Array
Given below are the examples mentioned:
Example #1
var array=["Sivaraman","Arun","Kumar"];
var reverse=array.reverse();
Example #2
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Welcome To My Domain</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico">
<p>Sample Array: <span id="a"></span></p>
<p>Reversing Array: <span id="r"></span></p>
<button onclick="rV()">Reversing Array</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
var n=["Siva","raman","arun","kumar","Abi"];
document.getElementById("a").innerHTML =n;
function rV(){
document.getElementById("r").innerHTML =n.reverse();
After clicking on the button:
Example #3
<title>Welcome To My Domain</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var s = new Array("siva", "Arun", "fargt", "trgbfg", "fgnhthtn","fggbb", "Arwweun", "regg", "trrbggbfg", "hgg","safiva", "fgggs", "ssdrg", "gggh", "trgh","s44g", "54he4", "etye", "dg54", "dtee");
for (i=0;i<this.length;i++){
document.write(this[i] + "<br />");
document.write("Number of items in the Array<br />");
document.write("<br />The number of items in the array variable is " + s.length + "<br />");
document.write("<br />The REVERSED array is<br />");
In the above examples we used reverse order array elements in different ways we used display(), reverse()these are the methods we have used in the arrays in the JavaScript when we create an array defaultly it will allocates the memory space in the stack memory due to the instance it will push and pop the elements in the stack area even though we have performance issue whenever inserted and removed the elements in the arraylist especially but in array it has the fixed memory allocation of the code. If we want to reverse the elements in the array we used reverse() method we can also reversed the elements datatypes like string if the array elements are in string data type we also reversed the string and same as to be stored in the Array. We also iterate the strings using loops and conditional statements in the JavaScript.
In the above paragraphs we have illustrated the concepts called arrays in the JavaScript specifically in the reverse method we used the mentioned array elements in the variable it will be changed into the reverse manner using for loop we have iterate the elements in the script.
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This is a guide to JavaScript reverse Array. Here we discuss how does JavaScript reverse array work and examples respectively. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –