Updated February 17, 2023
Introduction to JavaScript Test Automation
JavaScript test automation is defined as, it is the procedure of utilizing automation tools for supporting the test data, executing the tests, and examining the output for refining the software quality. It can be carried out for automated UI testing of the applications particularly when the development cycles are small and when it needs to append the property every week to continue with the user’s command. JavaScript has been utilized for generating the script and generally, selenium has been suggested because it is more comparable. JavaScript can offer an end-to-end solution that can integrate selenium-based web testing having full desktop automation.
What is JavaScript Test Automation Frameworks?
Fundamentally the test automation frameworks have been useful for managing the test suite. Every test case has been outlined to utilize the single logical unit of an application, which is established on the JavaScript that is more requested.
It is more famous because the interface of the JavaScript component and the way to automate such web applications are in a very simple way by using JavaScript than any other programming language. JavaScript has been utilized for generating the test script, and UI testing for automation of the web application which is very easy to execute but it is particularly helpful when we have a small development life cycle, and when the user’s changing its demand every week.
Top JavaScript Test Automation UI Frameworks
Let us see the test automation UI framework, which is provided by JavaScript:
1. Web-driverJS
The Nodejs Web-driver language can make secure by tying the official execution from authors of selenium which can comprise the only basic properties. The commands of it can also utilize the control flow for concurring the async activity.
2. WebdriverIO
The Nodejs Web-driver language can also ensure that the unofficial execution has its own control of async activities by utilizing fibers and a large set of properties.
3. Protractor
It is an end-to-end testing framework that can be used for angular applications which can approach Jasmine and it has been constructed on the peak of the WebdriverJS.
4. CodeceptJS
It gives high performance in the end-to-end testing for Node JS.
5. Nightwatch.js
This UI framework is easy to utilize Node JS which is established on the end-to-end testing solution for the application and websites which are depending on the browsers.
6. Dalek.js
This framework has been used when we want to perform automated cross-browser testing using JavaScript.
7. Nemo
This framework can have an easy way to append selenium automation in our NodeJS projects. It is flexible to operate the browser or device because it has dynamic configuration talent which can be given by the krakenjs/confit, and plugin architecture. So, its flexibility can be able to organize any browser or device which is helpful for automation.
8. Frisby
It is a REST API testing framework that has been constructed on the node.js and jasmine which can make the API endpoint testing simple, quick, and fun.
9. TestCafe
This automation framework has been used for testing in the modern web development stack.
10. Puppeteer
It is a node library that allows high-level API for managing the headless chrome. It can also be constructed to utilize the complete chrome.
11. Playwright
It is also a node library that can automate the chromium, WebKit, and Firefox browsers by using a single API. It allows cross-browser web automation, which is effective, authentic, and quick.
12. CasperJS
This framework has been utilized for the navigation of scripting, and also as a testing utility for phantomJS and SlimerJS.
13. Cypress.io
This framework uses navigating scripting to provide quick, easy, and uncomplicated testing for anything that can pass in a browser, and it can also be run on Mac, Linux, and Windows. It provides a testing utility that can be used for PhantomJS and Slimer.
14. Serenity/JS
This framework has been used to perform acceptance and regression testing of the current web application.
15. Sakuli
It is an amazing end-to-end testing solution that is based on Node.js and can combine selenium-based web testing with full desktop automation. Its DSL support allows us to interpret the difficult scenario that can coherently diverge between the browser and our desktop. It has in-built monitoring support so that it can able to record the performance of data from the user’s point of view.
16. BackstopJS
It can be used to automate the regression testing of our flexible web user interface by collecting the DOM screenshots in double time.
17. Taiko
It is a node library that has been used to test and automate the chromium browsers.
18. QA Wolf
It is also a node library that can generate the browsers test which is 10x speedy with Puppeteer and Jest.
JavaScript Test Automation API and Mobile
Given below are JavaScript test automation API and mobile:
1. API automation framework
- SuperTest: It is an API automation framework that can have the super-agent-driven library, and it is supported to be utilized for testing the node.js HTTP servers with the help of fluent API.
- Frisby: It is another API automation testing framework that is a REST API testing framework built on Jest that makes testing API endpoints simple and quick.
- PactumJS: It is a REST API testing tool which is also an API automation framework that has been used for all levels of testing in the Test Pyramid.
2. Mobile automation frameworks
- WebdriverIO’s Appium Implementation: It is node JS that can execute the appium commands.
- Detox: It is a Gray-box end-to-end testing and automation framework which has been used in mobile applications.
In this article, we conclude that JavaScript test automation is a tool that can be used to support test data, implement the test, and execute the test, as well as scrutinize the output for quality purposes. This article will help you understand the concept of JavaScript test automation.
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This is a guide to JavaScript Test Automation. Here we discuss the introduction, top JavaScript test automation UI frameworks, API, and mobile. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –