Updated May 31, 2023
Definition of Kubernetes flux
Kubernetes flux is defined as, it is a tool that spontaneously making sure the position of a cluster in which that can compute the config into git, to activate the development in the cluster of Kubernetes it can use an operator it means we do not have a different CD tool, it can scan the applicable image archives, to identify new images, to activate the deployment, and to updates the desired running configuration which is established on that, as it is beneficial because we do not need to allow our CI approach to the cluster, each change is atomic and transactional.
What is Kubernetes flux?
The flux has a set of API extensions in Kubernetes in which it can support how the git repositories and other sources of configuration can be put into the cluster, for example, we can generate the object of ‘git repository’ from the git repository into the mirror configuration and then a ‘kustomization’ object can be configured, flux can take an effort in role-based control so that we can able to lock down if any specific sync can be changed, it can convey the notification with slack and other systems is synced and ready, and also it can able to automate the updates for configuration if we have new code for the deployment, flux can use the source control platform such as Git, which allows us to define the desired state of the application cluster.
Kubernetes flux components
- Source controller:
The major role of this is to give a common interface and the API of the source can describe the set of kubernetes objects, it can validate the source definitions.
- Customize controller:
This component can work as an operator it can particularly run in the pipeline of workloads, it can validate the manifest against the API of Kubernetes.
- Helm controller:
This component can work as an operator hence it allows to control helm chart in the manifests of Kubernetes, it can execute the reflexive activities which are helm tests, rollback.
- Notification controller:
This component of the Kubernetes can particularly work in handling the inbound and outbound incidents which are approaching from the other systems and based on the severity.
- Image automation controller:
In this component for updating the Git repository, the image-reflector component and image-automation-controller can work together, the image reflector can scan and reflect the image in the resources of Kubernetes.
Step by step Kubernetes flux
Step 1 – Installing and bootstrapping flux:
In this step set up can be done on our local machine so that we can install that on our cluster and set up can be done for the committed git repository for keeping and versioning their configuration, for installation, we can use the official bash script for Linux,
- And the below command can be used for Linux and macOS,
"$ brew install fluxcd/tap/flux".
Flux can generate the git repository for a particular provider, for any essential need we need to have a username and personal approach, we can reserve them as an environmental variable to keep away from typing it at multiple times.
- We can use the below command to install flux with the official script,
"$ curl https://fluxcd.io/install.sh -so flux-install.sh"
- We can use the below command for verification of the script,
"$ less ./flux-install.sh"
Step 2 – To configure automated development:
In this step we can configure the flux for all repositories so that we can put in the changes to our cluster when they get available, when we try to generate the repository with its beginning configuration, flux can have the commands which may help to create the config manifests by using the parameters that help to write fast from scratch,
- To add the available repository we need to make a duplicate in our machine to push the changes.
"$ git clone https://github.com/$GITHUB_USER/flux-config ~/flux-config"
- For navigation,
"$ cd ~/flux-config"
Step 3 – Setting up the slack notification
In this step we can set up automatic ‘podinfo’, the development in our cluster, we can join flux to the slack channel, we need to have the incoming webhook for combine with the slack, for doing it first we need to do login for slack and it can cross to the creation page which has Create new app button and then we have to select the ‘From scratch’ then we need to select the defined workspace.
o For creating the secret which is the slack-URL which may have the webhook we need to run the below command,
"$ kubectl -n flux-system create secret generic slack-url --from-literal=address=your_slack_webhook"
Step 4 – Automating the Helm release deployment:
In this step, we can watch over all kustomization and Git repository, in which flux can generate the Helm chart, the monitoring of the chart which can store the gits, the activity of directing the flux for observing the Helm chart,
- For navigating back to the repository,
"$ cd ~/flux-config"
- Podinfo-helm can be created by using the below command,
"$ kubectl create namespace podinfo-helm"
Install flux CLI:
- Before going to install the flux we need to check for the version it should be 1.19 or the latest, older versions are also supported.
- The below command can be used for the installation of flux on macOS,
"$ brew install Fluxcd/tap/Flux".
- For installing flux on the Linux system,
"curl -s https://toolkit.Fluxcd.io/install.sh | sudo bash"
For installation on Windows operating system, we need to find the binary first and then we need to confirm that is it working or not.
For configuring flux into our shell we need to load bash-completion by using the command below,
".<(flux completion bash)"
In this article we conclude that kubernetes provides a tool that automatically converts the state from the config to git, we have also seen the installation process, steps for flux in Kubernetes, and also we have seen the components of the kubernetes flux, this article will help to understand the concept.
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