Updated April 10, 2023
Introduction to laravel nginx
Laravel nginx is installed with the laravel php framework; basically, laravel is the php based free and open-source framework that was used to implement the design pattern of the model view controller. The latest version of laravel with nginx is 5.6; it will start in 2011 from version 1 and version 2. Basically, nginx is the web server that was used with laravel to run the application; using laravel 5.6 and nginx; we can run both under the stack lemp. For running the laravel application with nginx first, we need to install the nginx server on our system.
What is laravel nginx?
- Laravel nginx is the web server that was used with laravel to run the application. So basically, we can say that nginx is a highly available and highly scalable web server.
- Laravel nginx is also called the web accelerator or HTTP load balancer; it will also work as the load balancer.
- nginx is offered a highly scalable architecture that was different from other web servers.
- nginx contains the asynchronous, event-driven, and modular architecture, which scales well in generic hardware, and it will also scale in a multi-processor system.
- nginx will use the reserved power of operating systems like UNIX and Linux, which was used to optimize network, CPU, and memory. As a result, it will extract the maximum performance from the virtual or physical server.
Basic setup for Laravel app
- The below steps shows the basic new setup of the laravel app or project is as follows. First, we are creating the laravel app name as laravel_nginx.
Install composer –
- For creating the laravel app or project first, we need to install laravel in our system. For installing the same first, we need to install composer in our system. In the below example, we have to install the composer in our system are as follows.
- We have to install the composer by using the yum command on Linux based system.
# yum install composer
Install laravel –
- After installing the composer, we are installing the laravel on our system. Without installing composer, we cannot install the laravel in our system.
- In the below example, we are installing the laravel are as follows.
# composer (Composer command used to install laravel)global require laravel/installer (laravel installer)
Create a new laravel project or app –
- After successful installation, we are creating the laravel application. We are creating the laravel application name as laravel_nginx.
- We have to create the laravel application using the create-project parameter. Create-project parameter with composer command will be creating the new laravel project.
- In the below example, we have created the laravel application in the/root directory. I suppose we have not defined the explicit path for our application; it will create the new application in the current directory.
- After specifying the correct path, it will create a new application with the specified path that we have defined in our command.
# composer (composer command is used to create new laravel application) create-project (create new application) --prefer-dist laravel/laravel:^7.0 laravel_nginx (Create application name as laravel_nginx)
Start the development server –
- After creating the new laravel application, we are starting the server by using the php artisan command.
- In the below example, we can see that the laravel development server is started as localhost, and it will showing port no as 8000.
# php artisan serve
Examples of Laravel nginx
The below example shows nginx is as follows.
- To run the application on nginx, we need to install it on our system. In the below example, we have to install nginx and MariaDB servers.
# yum install nginx (nginx server) php (PHP installation) php-fpm php-common (PHP common package) php-xml php-mbstring php-json php-zip mariadb-server (MariaDB server package) php-mysqlnd
- Start and check the nginx, PHP, and MySQL service –
# systemctl start php-fpm (php service) nginx (nginx service) mysql (MySQL service)
# systemctl enable php-fpm (php service) nginx (nginx service) mysql (MySQL service)
# systemctl status php-fpm (php service) nginx (nginx service) mysql (MySQL service)
Configure and secure the nginx –
- Change the value of the below parameter in the www.conf file.
# vi /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
listen.owner = nginx
listen.group = nginx
listen.mode = 0660
- Change the timezone in the php.ini file –
# vi /etc/php.ini
date.timezone = Asia/Kolkata
- The fifth step is to install composer and laravel. We have already installed it in the above project, so we do not need to install it again.
- After installing laravel, we have created the project name mysite.com.
# composer (Used to create new project) create-project (Parameter of create project) --prefer-dist laravel/laravel:^7.0 mysite.com (Application name).
- Configure the nginx server –
# vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/mysite.com.conf (configuration filename)
- Take restart of nginx and php-fpm services.
# systemctl restart php-fpm (php service)
# systemctl restart nginx (nginx service)
- Add entry of mysite.com in /etc/hosts file.
# vi /etc/hosts
- Open the web browser and check the following page is opening or not.
Benefits and Importance laravel nginx
- Below is the benefits and importance of nginx are as follows.
- The main performance impact of the nginx server is, it will be 10 times faster than other web servers.
- The user request handling speed is more of an nginx web server as compared to another web server.
- Laravel nginx web server consumes less CPU and memory utilization and also contains the utilization of better bandwidth.
- Laravel nginx is free, and an OpenSource web server means we can use it without paying any cost.
- The main goal of implementing the nginx web server is to create the fastest web server as compared to another web server.
- Laravel nginx contains the lightweight proxy and the web server as compared to other web servers.
Laravel nginx is installed with the laravel php framework. Laravel nginx is the php based free and open-source web server which was used to run the application. nginx is very useful and important to run the laravel applications. nginx web server consumes less CPU and memory.
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