Updated April 17, 2023
Introduction to Laravel URL
Laravel URL helper is used to generate URL in laravel, laravel has some helpers which was providing the assist to generate the laravel URL. Those helpers are helpful when we are building the links in our templates and responses API, also used while generating the redirect responses to another part of our project or application. The laravel URL helper might be used to generate the arbitrary URL in our application, the laravel generated URL will automatically use the scheme like http or https. Also it will handle the current request from our application.
What is Laravel URL?
- Laravel allows us to simply create signed URL’s from the named routes.
- Basically, a signed URL is used for routes which were publically accessible and it is needed to protect the layer against the manipulation of URL.
- We can create the signed URL to implement the unsubscribe link which was called by publically.
- We need to use signRoute method to create the signed URL for the route of the name in laravel. A signed URL is very important in laravel.
Below is the syntax to create a URL in laravel are as follows:
Return url:: (method of URL facade ex. signedRoute ) ('Unsubscribe', [ 'user'=> 1 ]);
- In above syntax we can see that URL is starting from the return type. Also, we need to use the method at the time of creating.
- We will also generate the URL using the route key. Ineloquent models, we can generate the URL by using the route key.
- If we want to generate it using an eloquent model same time we need to pass the parameter value.
- The laravel route helper is used to automatically extract the route key.
- We can also create the laravel temporary signed URL in laravel, this URL will expire after a specific time which was we have mentioned in the URL at the time of creation.
- It is very important to access the images from the public folder. We can access any asset from the public folder by using it.
Basic Types of Laravel URL
Given below are the basic types mentioned:
1. Basic Routing
- The first type is basic routing which was accept the URL and closure, which was providing a very simple method to define the route.
- We are defining the laravel route in our route directory which was located in our route directory.
- The laravel route file was automatically called at the time of loading the laravel application.
2. Signed URL
- The second type of it is signed URL, this URL was used in named routes. This URL contains the string URL hash appended string.
- We can also validate the incoming request of signed URL, we can use the hasValidSignature method to validate the incoming request.
- At the time of visiting signed URL, and if this URL is already expired then we will receive the error code i.e. 403.
3. URL for Named Routes
- Basically route helper is used to generate the URL in named routines. Named routines URL allows us to create or generate URL without using actual URL which was defined by route.
- If suppose we have changed the route URL, there is no need to change in our calls of route function.
- To generate URL using this method we need to use route helper for the same. Route helper is used to generate URL in laravel.
4. Eloquent Models
- We can also generate it by using the eloquent models. To generate URL using eloquent model we need to pass the eloquent models as parameter value.
URLs for Controller Actions
- In laravel the action function will use to generate the URL for the controller action.
Below is the syntax of URL controller action as follows:
Use (path of controller);
$ URL = action ([controller name :: class , 'index of controller']);
- If our controller method will accept the parameter of the route then we need to pass the associate array for the route parameters.
- We can also pass the second parameter with controller action below syntax shows the second argument with controller actions.
- We have used the second argument as users with controller actions are as follows.
$ URL = action ([controller name :: class , 'profile of controller'], ['user_id'=> 1]);
- In above syntax we can see that we have used a two-parameter with controller i.e. profile of controller and user_id.
- In some of the applications, we are defining the request type values for the parameters of the URL.
- We can also define the many parameters as locale parameters in the controller action.
- We need to use the URL helper to generate the URL in laravel. Also, we need to use the scheme of http or https and host for the current request.
- We need to provide path of accessing URL in laravel. Without providing the path we cannot access the URL.
- To access it first we need to install laravel in our system. Using composer, we are installing the laravel in our system.
- To access it we need to configure basic configuration of laravel application.
- To access it, we need to use different methods, if we want to access the signed URL then we need to use the signedRoute method.
- We need to validate the signed route request.
Access Assets URLs
- We can access the asset URL by using the helper. We can use the same for all the links. At the time of working locally, http is fine but at the time of working with production, we need to use https instead of http.
We can access the image using the asset URL as follows:
<img src = "{{asset ('name and path of image')}}"/>
- We need to define the source and name of the image at the time accessing it from the asset URL.
- To access the images using asset URL we need to put all our assets or images in-app public folder.
Laravel allows us to simply create a signed URL from the named routes. We can also create the laravel temporary signed URL in laravel, this URL will expire after a specific time which was we have mentioned in the URL.
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