Updated March 13, 2023
Introduction to Logstash Port
The logstash port is defined as, in any operating system the port that has been used for communication as an endpoint. It is a virtual networking point where the connection can start and end which is a type of software. Port 9600 is the default port number, if we want to utilize the various port numbers then we will have to change the port number for logstash as well as for File-beat configuration when we try to start the server and the port is in use then it can able to use the next port which can be the 9601.
What is logstash port?
The port has been used for communicating between two endpoints of the networking and it can be used by an elastic search to change the port through the http.port to transport.port. Typically the port has been utilized for the connection between clients from the libraries so it has a connection and that will happen in the interaction of official sites. By default, the default port has been used and if we wanted to utilize various port numbers then we have to change the port numbers.
How to use logstash port?
In any cluster, this port has been used for the sending request to within two nodes, when the server gets started and the port is in use then this will try to use the next upcoming port like 920, with the help of configuration files it can personalize the port, the configuration file may contain the name of the node, address, this type of adding details as per the requirement in our cluster of nodes will available, this port has been used across all API calls on HTTP which may contain the searching, accumulation, observing, and whatever other which has been using the requests of HTTP, if any port is in use, then it can try to avail the next upcoming port which can be the 9601 for the port 9600, and in the same, it can work with 9700 that the upcoming port will be 9701.
How many logstash port?
There are three main ports that are available which are 5044, 9600, and 9700,
Port 5044:
This is a default beat port which we can say that it is an input plugin that can be used for beats, the default value for the available host on the beat is “” and that can depend on the stack of the TCP, if we try to configure filebeat for conveying to localhost then we have to add input in our beat as, ‘ host => “localhost” ’, and the port has been available in the ‘logstash.yml’ file which can be used for starting the logstash, and this port has been set as “http.port: 5044”, in which ‘http.port’ is the config file which can be available in the ‘logstash.yml’ file, and it can able to put on the port for the API that can be used for monitoring the pipelines in logstash.
Port 9600:
This is the default port that has been used for web API calls if this port is in utilizes then it can try to avail the next upcoming port which can be the 9601, if the logstash is running then it has 9600 port as default and if we have to run another logstash on the same system then we have to change the default port because two logstash with two various files are not working if we want to gain the data from available files then there is need to make changes in the configuration files.
Port 9700:
This port is also used for web API calls in which to run the logstash from the command line and this can be described by the port of metrics to the REST point. Elastic search uses two ports to listen to external TCP traffic,
Port 9200:
This port has been used for sending requests to inside two nodes, when the server tries to start then the port is in use then this will try to use the next upcoming port like 9201.
Port 9300:
In any cluster this port has been used for the communication between endpoints of two nodes, in the same of the port 9200 if the server gets started it will also try to get the next available server which can be the 9301 in which we can say that it is a binary protocol that has been used for customization like updating in the cluster, joining of the cluster.
Ex 1)
port => 5044
index => "%{ [@metadata][beat] } - % { [ @metadata][version] }"
In the above example, we have explained the example for accessing metadata inside the config file in it can adjust the given values synchronously the contents are established on the metadata, in which above is the configuration file which can tell to utilize the index which can be spotted by the Filebeat for indexing events.
Ex 2)
port => 5044
match => { "sms" => "%{SIMPLEAPACHELOG}"}
stdout { codec => quybey }
elasticsearch {
hosts => [""]
index => "sample-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
In the above example, we have used the port in the pipeline, as we tried to convert data from filebeat to the logstash, in which we have used the inputs, outputs, and filters as these are the stages in the pipeline of execution of the process in the logstash.
In this article, we conclude that the port has been used in the network of any operating system for the communication between two ends in the same it has been worked and we have also seen how to use the logstash port and available ports.
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This is a guide to Logstash Port. Here we discuss the Introduction, What is logstash port, How to use logstash port, How many logstash port? respectively. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –