Updated March 29, 2023
Introduction to MariaDB Workbench
MariaDB workbench is the tool used for managing the administration, operations, and manipulating the data stored inside the database and managed by Database Management Systems. It includes various features and supports many databases available in the market.
MariaDB is one of the most popular and relational databases being used by developers. This database is available in the market for the past 30 years and is completely open-source. It has great functionality and features, and any new additional features are added based on merit as per the MariaDB community. To use this relational database management system, you can make use of different editors; one of them is a workbench. Workbench is the application developed specifically for the windows operating system though it also runs on the Linux platform well when used under wine. Workbench can be used for maintenance of database, development of database design, and process of testing. Workbench is available for various available databases such as Oracle, MySQL, Firebird, Nexus DB, MariaDB, and many others.
Database Workbench types
Database Workbench has various types depending on what database you will be using for your application or what database management system you will be using. Some of the types of the workbench are as listed below –
- MariaDB Workbench
- Firebird Workbench
- MySQL Workbench
- SQL Anywhere Workbench
- Inter Base Workbench
- Nexus DB Workbench
- Microsoft SQL server workbench
- Oracle Workbench
Feature MariaDB workbench
There are various features provided by the MariaDB workbench. Some of them are listed as mentioned below –
- Data can be exported and imported very easily.
- Stored procedures can be debugged.
- Metadata can be migrated from one place to other.
- Data can be transferred across the database systems.
- Privilege management operations can be done.
- Metadata or other data can be retrieved in print format.
- A comparison of metadata can be done.
- The process of establishing a connection to data sources of any ADO or ODBC can be done.
- The complete design of the database can be created.
- Data can be modified and viewed when needed.
- Metadata can also be viewed and modified if required.
- We can connect to more than one database on the same editor.
Along with all the specified features at the top, the workbench has many other features. To learn more about the features and workbench, you can refer to this link. As the MariaDB workbench is just one of the versions of the workbench editor, it has many other editions and versions that are assigned with a license based upon the modules; you will always get a version of the workbench that will suit your requirements.
MariaDB workbench Knowledge Base?
The knowledge base for the MariaDB workbench includes connecting to the MariaDB database and querying your database using the workbench to perform different operations to be carried out.
Connecting to MariaDB database from workbench
Before establishing the connection, you need to mention the values of the properties related to connection inside DSN which stands for Data Source Name. For performing the configurations in DSN, we can make the use of built-in ODBC Data Source Administrator provided by Microsoft, which also makes up the last step while installing the driver. You can refer to the chapter titled “Getting Started” provided in the documentation of configuration of DSN using Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administration.
After this, the next step comes the mentioning the properties of port number and the server address to the MariaDB server of your system. Next, the user’s name and password must be mentioned and set to correct user credentials provided if we have set the Integrated Security property value to false in the configurations. Finally, we can even specify the name of the database to which we want to connect to by default. This is a complete and optional configuration property, and if its value is not provided, we can access and refer to the tables from all the databases.
Querying the MariaDB database from Workbench
We can connect to the virtual MariaDB database by creating a gateway of SQL in MySQL workbench. The steps of the same are discussed one by one in the below section. After performing these steps, you can start running any queries on your MariaDB database in workbench –
- Inside the Workbench, you firstly need to create a new connection. Simply, by clicking on Add New Connection, you can do that.
- You will have to specify the name of the connection, which you can specify as per your wish.
- Now, to establish the connection with the SQL gateway, you will need to mention the name of the host, the name of the user, and the port number using which we want to connect.
- You can store the password simply by setting the value of the store in the vault to true.
- Before you save your connection details, click on Test connection to verify the working of the connection and the configuration working inside the workbench, and after that, you can go for clicking on the OK button that will lead to adding your connection to the MariaDB database.
Performing queries inside the MariaDB database
The steps used for querying the database of MariaDB in workbench are as mentioned below –
- The connection that you created with your MariaDB database should be opened first.
- Click on the file option shown in the top bar and then click on the “New Query tab”, which will open a new tab for you where you can perform queries.
- You can follow the same conventions of SQL that is writing the SQL queries to retrieve the data from the MariaDB database if you have opened a connection to the MariaDB database using MySQL Workbench.
You can get the 30 days free trial of the CData ODBC driver for MariaDB and CDataSQL Gateway on this link.
MariaDB workbench allows us to use the workbench editor to connect to the MariaDB database, which can be used to manage, administer and perform various operations on your MariaDB database. MariaDB workbench also includes various other features that are listed in the above sections and is also available for a big spectrum of databases.
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