Updated April 6, 2023
Introduction to Nodemon Alternative
This article is about Nodemon Alternative, Nodemon is a tool that helps to develop node. js-based applications by automatically restarting the node application when file changes in the directory are detected. It does not require any additional changes to your code or method of development. It can automatically restart the apply, has the ability to detect the default file extensions. It works with server applications or one-time run utilities and REPLs. Nodemon is open source and free to use. Although there some alternatives are available for Nodemon such as gulp, grunt, webpack, NodeFly, LiveReload, and PM2.
Alternatives of Nodemon
Below is the of the Nodemon alternatives
Gulp is the best alternative for nodemon. It is an open-source JavaScript toolkit used as the streaming build system for front-end web development. It supports operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS. It is a task runner build on node.js and npm. Gulp is used to automate repetitive tasks in web development like minification, cache busting, linting, concatenation, unit testing, etc. Gulp contains more than 3500 plugins to automate the task.
Another best alternative for nodeman is a grunt. This tool is also used to automate repetitive tasks such as unit testing, compilation, minification, and linting. It allows users to create a custom task and run them using command-line interface. Supports operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS. Grunt allows user to access predefined plugins that can be used to work with javascript tasks and static content. It also allows users to create their own plugins and publish them on npm. Like gulp, in grunt tool, user can create their own customized task using predefined plugins. Provides consistency, efficiency, effectiveness, and repeatability.
Another alternative for nodeman is webpack. It is an open-source javascript module used to transform front-end assets such as HTML, CSS. It takes modules with dependencies md generate static assets representing those modules. Webpack uses async I/O and has multi by caching levels. This makes its performance very fast on incremental compilation. It allows users to split their codebase into multiple chunks. These chunks are loaded asynchronously at runtime and saves the initial loading time. To reduce the output size of the javascript, webpack perform many optimizations by duplicating frequently used modules, minifying and giving full control of what is loaded initially and what is loaded at runtime through code splitting.
Another alternative for nodemon is Nodefly. It provides run-time monitoring for your node.js application. It allows users to gain detailed, real-time performance monitoring of node.ks application services. It is easier to set up the NodeFly. It provides a unified dashboard to represent the real-time visual of average response time, concurrent connection, CPU performance, event loop, top functions, slowest function. It supports various operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and OSX. users get visibility of the application and resources regarding their working and help them to improve the performance.
LiveReload is a tool for web developer and designer, which implement the client-side of the protocol. through web socket client connect to LiveReload. When any modifications are done on file, it is automatically live refreshed without reloading the page. It contains javascript file which implements client-side of the LiveReload protocol. It gets change notifications from LiveReload server and applies them to the browser. LiveReload only monitors files with specific extensions. It displays an error notification. It will also detect which editor users are using and display a corresponding button.
PM2 is an open-source process manager for Javascript runtime node.js. It helps developers and devops manage node.js application in a production environment. In comparison with another process manager, some key features of PM2 are automatic load balancing, declarative application configuration, deployment system band monitoring. It allows users to keep applications alive forever, reload them without downtime, and facilitate common system admin tasks. It constantly assailed by more than 1800 tests. Supports operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Another alternative for nodemon is a systemd. It provides various features like on-demand starting of the daemon, snapshot support, process tracking, and inhibitor locks. It is a daemon that manages other daemons which includes systemd itself. Its main goal is to unify service configuration and behavior across Linux distribution. It is an init system that is used to bootstrap user space and manage the user processes.
Here we have discussed the various alternatives to nodemon such as gulp, grunt, webpack, NodeFly, LiveReload, and PM2. Each has its own features advantages and disadvantages. Based on your requirements and ease you can choose one of them.
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