Updated March 18, 2023
Introduction To Oracle Strings Functions
Oracle has several functions to operate on string characters. Some of which are ‘Char’ to convert a number into a character, ‘Locate’ to locate a letter or a word in a string set, ‘Space’ to leave a blank space, ‘Length’ to get the number of characters in a string, ‘Replace’ to replace a word or a letter, ‘TRIM’ to remove a letter or a word from the start or end of a string, etc.
Features of Oracle String Function
An oracle string function has special key features that are as under:
1. Contains
Contain String function followed by a pattern like >0; this means that for the particular row which was selected, the calculated score value greater than Zero.
Example: contains (text, ‘function’)>0
2. Equals
The equal string function comes into use to examine equality and to get an exact match which returns to a true value.
Example: Equals (text = ‘function’)
3. Ends with
This method finds the new value, which contains a string from starting.
Example: Ends with (<suffix>)
4. Starts with
This method gets the new value contains a starting string.
Example: Starts with(<prefix>)
5. EqualsignoreCase
The equal sign or case function is for comparing a particular string to others by ignoring the considerations of the case.
Example: EqualsIgnoreCase (String other string)
6. IsEmpty
The isEmpty function is come into use for the string to verify that the length () is zero.
Example: IsEmpty ()
7. Matches
The matches function is all about particular string matches with the regex(regular expression).
Example: Text.matches(regex,string)
8. Replace
Replace function is all about the string search-replace with string replacement in order to get char.
Example: Replace (char,<search string>,<replacement string>)
9. ReplaceAll
This Function is used to replaces all substring of the string which matches the given regex with the given replacement.
Example: ReplaceAll(<oldvalregex>,<newal>
10. Split
Splits the string around matches that given regular expression.
Example: Text.Split(<regexpattern>
String valuation consists of different parameter areas
- For the variable during field validation: new value
- Parameter name used to reclaim the value of the field after the form is submitted: old value
- Before stored value during field validation, the variable names would be used instead of me string var
Oracle functions are sorted under different categories, and the string is of them. It can be used in SQL statements or questions of Oracle, programming environment of Oracle database such as saved triggers, functions and the procedures, etc. This article explains the fundamentals of the string functions. String functions are ASCII, ASCIISTR, CHR, COMPOSE, CONCAT, CONVERT, LENGTH 4, LENGTHB, LENGTHC, LOWER, LPAD, LTRIM, NCHR, REGEXP INSTR, VSIZE, REGEXP, REPLACE, REGEXP SUBSTR, RPAD, SOUNDEX, RTRIM, SUBSTR, TRIM, TRANSLATE, UPPER. The string functions used in programming culture, which help in smooth functioning.
Common Oracle String Functions
Below are the most common Oracle string functions which help in manipulating the string character effectively.
1. ASCII: The ASCII code comparable to the one character in the expression return.
Example: ASCII (‘a’)
2. Bit_Length: Return length in bits of a particular string; each Unicode value of the character is 2bytes in length (equal to 16bits)
Example: Bit_Length (‘abcdef’)
3. Char; It converts a numeric value to the analogous ASCII Character code.
Example: Char (35)
4. Char_Length: Blanks are not counted in string length. Return length in the number of characters of a particular string.
Example: Char_Length
5. Concat: Concat string function allows a particular string at one end and back to the same string.
Example: Concat (‘text a’). concat (‘text b’)
6. Insert: A specified string character into a particular location in other string characters.
Example: select insert (‘123456’),2, 3, ‘abcd’
7. Left: Specified number of character from the left of a string
Example: select left (‘123456’, 3)
8. Length: Return the length, number of character of a particular string. The length is returned to exclude any blank characters.
Example: Length (Customer_Name)
9. Locate: This function comes into use to search string in other string, but it is not found the string it returns to its original index that is 0.
Example: Locate (‘d’ ‘abcdef’)
10. LocateN: Return the numeric position of a string character in other character string. This includes an integer that enables to specify an initial position to start the search.
Example: Locate (‘d’, ‘abcdef’,3)
11. Lower: This converts a string character to lowercase
Example: Lower(Customer_Name)
12. Ortet_Length: Return a number of bytes of a particular string.
Example: Octet_Length (‘abcdef’)
13. Position; This function comes into use to find a substring from a string and search the location of the string in the substring. The function return to the position of starting character when the substring is equal to the found substring.
Example: Position (‘d’, ‘abcdef’)
14. Repeat: Repeat a particular expression pie times.
Example: Repeat (‘abc’,4)
15. Replace: Replace one or more character from a particular character expression with one or more characters.
Example: Replace (‘abc1234’, ‘123’ ,‘zz’)
16. Right: Return a particular number of characters from the right of the string.
Example: SELECT Right (‘123456’,3)
17. Space: Insert blank space
Example: Space (2)
18. Substring: This function permits you to excerpt substring from the original string.
Example: Substring (‘abcdef’)
19. SubstringN: SubstringN help you to get the length of the string, which includes an integer in the character number.
Example: Substring (‘abcdef’)
20. TrimBoth: Particular strips leading & trailing character from a character string.
Example: Trim (Both ‘_’ From ‘abcdef’)
21. TrimLeading: Particular strips leading characters from a character string.
Example: Trim (LEADING ‘_’ From ‘_abcdef_’)
22. Trim Trailing: Particular trailing characters from a character string.
Example: Trim (TRAILING ‘_’ From ‘abcdef_’)
23. Upper: It converts a string character to uppercase
Example: Upper (Cutomer_Name)
Oracle is one of the biggest software business providers that have a broad portfolio of services for all type of industry. Oracle string function helps clients to designed roadmaps, drift to the cloud and take benefit of loom technologies from any viewpoint; hybrid implementations, new cloud stationing, and on-campus environment. Oracle’s approach makes it simple for an organization to get initiated in the cloud and make it easier to bolster as the business grows.
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This has been a guide to Oracle String Functions. Here we discussed how to use string functions in Oracle programming with the help of examples. You can also go through our other suggested articles to learn more–