Updated June 30, 2023
Introduction to Spring Boot
The following article provides an outline for Spring Boot Advantages. We have so many advantages of using the spring boot framework, out of which auto configurations everyone knows. In spring boot applications, we do not need to make so many configurations; it handles many things internally. Also, we have support for creating the spring boot application from scratch using spring initializer, where we can just mention the required file and the base structure is ready for us. Apart from the auto-configuration, it has many things like support Groovy, an in-built server, etc.
List of Spring Boot Advantages
As we know, spring boot has many advantages that make development faster and help developers spend less time configuring things and setting up the environment. Here we will see the main advantages that make spring boot an excellent choice for Java-based application development; we will see them one by one and the basic structure of the spring boot application.
1. In-Built Server: As we know, spring boot comes up with a built-in build server. These are called an embedded servers in spring boot; this helps us to make the local development fast because we do not require to add the server from outside and do the necessary configuration; we can create the application from scratch and run the main class as spring boot application it will automatically pick the server and start the application. The default port for the spring boot server is 8080; we can also change this post by configuring the application.properties file.
- Tomcat
- Jetty
- Undertow
Above is the embedded server of spring boot. To change the port, we can follow the syntax below inside the project’s application file.
Let's see an practice code;
In this way, we can change it.
2. Java or Groovy: Spring boot supports both Java and Groovy. That means we can develop an application in spring boot based on Java or groovy as required, without needing heavy configurations like spring.
3. No Version: In spring boot, as we know that we do not need to mention the version of the application also. It will manage for us internally if we want to add any new dependency, then we can add it directly without the version. So like the spring framework, it was very difficult to manage the version of all the dependencies because every time the application failed, there was a mismatch. We can change the dependency into the pom.xml or .gradle file without version or care about the version. Spring Boot will do this for us.
4. Less Annotation: In the spring boot application, we require less annotation to configure our spring application; in the main spring boot class, we used only one annotation, which tells the compiler that it is a spring boot application and contains some more annotation with it, which act internally, as we have seen in spring framework, we have to add so many annotations just to run the application this is not the case in spring boot. This annotation contains @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan, optimizing the configuration, making code clearer and understandable to others, and less worrying if we miss something.
The syntax for this main class:
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);
5. As we have seen that it removes the necessary code and provides us inbuilt server to make the development smooth; no version is required to mention in the build files; all these together help the developer and the team to develop the application fast, and hence it increases the productivity because we have seen in spring framework, there is so much to do just to run the application and test the changes we have done, so it saves the time of the developer also.
6. Also, we have a spring initializer that helps us create the spring boot application very easily; we have to provide the necessary configuration by clicking the check cob and mentioning the project name. Ultimately, we can add the required dependency into our project by just typing the dependency’s name in the search box.
Below is the screenshot attached to create your first application in spring boot.
7. It provides good support for caching mechanism, with very easy and less configuration. We have to use the dependency before we can use that in the application.
8. We can also easily manage the profiling in the spring boot application; we can set the profiling and create the application file for each environment without lots of things needed.
9. It supports many plugins that can be used and tested in spring boot applications with any of the builds in a tool like Gradle, maven, etc.
10. Using the spring boot framework, we can easily implement the microservice architecture in our application; it provides good support for that. Also, we have so much documentation available online, which can follow if we are stuck somewhere.
As we have seen so many advantages of spring boot in detail, now we have a clear idea why it is the best choice when it comes to developing an application with all ease, clarity, a configuration is easy, support is available online of got stuck anywhere, readable and under stable, many documentations for spring available, etc. These are the basic advantages a framework should have to make development easy and fast for the developers.
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