Updated April 17, 2023
Introduction to Spring Boot Maven
Spring boot maven will provide the support in maven of apache, it allows us to package the executable JAR or archives of WAR. It manages the dependency of the project automatically, we have no need to download the dependency of the project while developing the maven project. Using spring boot maven project we can run our application locally, also we can build the project EAR, JAR or WAR file. We can create a new maven project using the spring tool suite or we can also create using eclipse, STS is a very useful tool used for maven project development.
What is Spring Boot Maven?
We do not have to manually download and add the project dependency, it will automatically add the same into project. It will automatically add the dependency of the project in pom.xml file. It has important features which were used to manage the transitive dependencies. We can also run projects using a command-line interface or we can also use IDE tools like spring tool suite (STS) or eclipse to run the maven project.
Using it we have no need to first build the project at the time of deployment it will automatically deployed. It uses the project object module (POM) file. This is the configuration file used in the project. This file contains the project dependency, source and build directories and also contains the other details of the project. Pom.xml file contains the following minimal requirements. We need to use the following tags at the time of adding any plugin or dependency related to the project.
Pom.xml file requirement of minimal configuration:
- Project: The pom.xml file start with the project section. This is the root tag of our project.
- Model version: As per the maven version we need to set the model version in pom.xml file. If suppose we are using a maven version like 2 or 3 then we need to set the model version as 4.0.0
- Groupid: This is the name of the organization which was using for our project. This is nothing but the groupid of our project.
- Artifactid: This is a very important tag while developing an application with the project. This is the unique name of our application.
- Version: This is nothing but the project version.
We need also add another tags like dependencies, this tag is related to the dependency related to our project. We can search specific projects, groupid, artifactid, version and model versions using mvnrepository.com.
Getting Started Spring Boot Maven
Spring boot maven is used to create stand alone and web based applications. Using the project we have required less configuration of our project.
We require the following software to develop the project.
Spring boot 2.5.4 and maven requires the java version as 8.
It will support the following servlet containers as follows:
We can also build our spring boot maven project using the servlet container version is greater than 3.1. We can use it with java development tools like an eclipse of spring tool suite. Spring boot is compatible with maven 3.3 and the above version we cannot use less version to use maven with spring boot. We need to install a maven to develop the project using it.
We can check the maven version by using the following command on the Linux system.
mvn –v
Also, we can check the installed java version by using the following command on the Linux system.
java –version
To create the application, we first need to create pom.xml file. Pom.xml file is very important while developing a project. It is providing the starter which was used to add the jar in our classpath. To end our project we need to create only one java file, spring boot maven will compile source from main java file by default.
Examples of Spring Boot Maven
We can create the project as follows:
Example #1
Create project using spring tool suite.
- Below example shows that creates project using the spring tool suite as follows.
- Below is the step by step procedure to create a new project as follows.
- To create a new project first go on the File menu in the File menu select the new project. After selecting the project menu select maven project.
File -> project -> maven project.
- After selecting the maven project select the workspace location of the project. We are selecting the default workspace location of our project.
- After selecting the workspace we need to select the archetype of our project as below.
- After selecting the archetype we need to specify the tags of the archetype as follows.
Groupid: springboot
Artifactid: springbootmaven
Package: springboot.springbootmaven
- After selecting all the parameters enter on the finish to view the created project.
Example #2
Create spring boot maven project using spring.io.
- Below example shows that create project using spring.io as follows.
- To create project using spring.io go to a specified site then enter the details related to project.
Artifact: springboot
Name: springboot
Java version: 11
- After filling in all the details click on to generate it will create a new project. After downloading extract the files. After extracting open the project using the import project option.
- Then select the root directory of project.
- After selecting the root directory click on finish it will create a new project.
Spring boot maven is nothing but the tool which was used to automate the build process of the project. Using project we can run our application locally, also we can build the project EAR, JAR or WAR file. STS is a very useful tool used for project development.
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