Updated March 15, 2023
Introduction to sqlplus not found
SQLPlus is majorly a utility provided by Oracle Foundations. Database Administrator takes care of maintaining the entire data, but sometimes it does happen that it is not able to find the proper solution or there is a connectivity issue with the application and the actual sql plus utility. Sqlplus not found is a quite common and generic issue that is faced quite often, especially by the developers and database administrators while manipulating the data present within it. For example, there might be a chance of keeping path values and names wrong, or even it is possibly the wrong directory structure that is followed.
sqlplus not found overviews
- sqlplus not found overviews come into the picture when there is some mismatch found at the time of manipulation where the environment possesses linux9 and Oracle 10g installed on it, which clearly indicates version incompatibility. Therefore, the overview says as a solution to first install proper versions and then execute a sequential set of commands.
- Analyzing and solving the problem with proper path definition is the alternative overview for the same and still needs a full absolute path to match the final output.
- Other overviews are being described as problems in the next segment.
How to solution sqlplus not found?
There are various scenarios where the sqlplus is not found thus have various solutions on it, which are as follows:
# According to scenario one or overview, a developer wants to install sql plus on mac machine for which he has installed two packages, mainly basic and sqlplus based on which a directory is created by moving necessary files and folders also copying the file with necessary contents from source to destination respectively.
- Sqlplus may get the error of sqlplus not found as created bash profile might get some issue while creation and in turn return the error of command not found.
- Thus, the speculation as part of the overview says to install the missing sql plus bash profile with commands till last and help make the $PATH look wrong.
# Sometimes installation of wrong sql plus versions might create problems that need to be handled to maintain the dignity and troubleshoot the areas creating sql plus not found command.
# Sometimes, the path that is followed for the binaries to keep them in one place creates commotion at the time of run time manipulation. So, to make the sql plus not found command not to appear repeated times, it is just that the actual sqlplus binary needs to be kept and added in a proper directory with the proper path.
# It needs to locate the directory with some of the symbolic links where the bin directory needs to be placed in a proper path with some deviations as per requirement.
# It is also possible to create an alias followed by calls that call with environment variables providing respective paths every time it tries to give manipulator values.
# There also exist some commands that can be called directly at the time of execution, that is, the run time of the product.
sqlplus not found windows
- Many times, it happens that the sql is not recognized as internal or external command due to which it depicts that the sql is not recognized as a command or not found, so for that, it is assumed that this gets created due to setting of wrong paths where it is estimated to echo %ORACLE_HOME% and then setting of paths like environment variables needs to be edited with the path where it will include add PATH = %oracle_home%\bin\
- Sometimes the batch file placed within it also creates an issue at the time of manipulation where proper oracle version after 10g needs to be installed, but it doesn’t happen, so it appears like this.
- SQLPLUS cannot get connected with the CMD of Windows, where the SQL developer needs the proper version installation and setting up some proper batch files with batch processes. All the commands are treated with single quotes differently on Linux, and either of the three processes will work properly. There should be less of unique characters; those values within the quote should pass a proper string to make the DB understand the parsing from starting till the end of the tail for better understanding.
sqlplus not found examples
There are certain use cases and examples where sql plus is not found, which are as follows:
- The developer is quite new to the UNIX environment, so it is tried to connect oracle from UNIX where whenever the code is tried to execute, it throws an error and exception from oracle where there is some missing path /opt/oracle as a tar file.
- As a solution, it is recommended to set up the oracle environment by type oraenv.
- If the error persists when it comes to setting up the oraenv, then, in that case, this can be done where the Oraenv command needs to be executed as follows.
- Then the following sql plus commands can be run over the console to verify whether the same error exists or not. If still, it exists, then some more tweaks and changes need to be carried out depending on the path or the environment variables using which the entire environment is created.
- It is very much important to keep proper DB_NAME as part of environment variable changes, or manipulation were the key components to be taken care of.
- Administrators need to take care of what they are planning to do by making the DB_NAME static and their associated env synced with the actual system, whether UNIX, windows, or Linux, to avoid the error found frequently.
Sql plus not found is common and appears frequent if the developer does not provide a proper oracle environment or path at the time of execution; therefore, these pre-requisites are important to have a constant check so that this should not be the error appearing most often. In addition, Oracle database version compatibility with the environment also needs to be maintained.
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This is a guide to sqlplus not found. Here we discuss How to solution sqlplus not found, along with the overviews and examples. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –