Updated June 16, 2023
Introduction to Static Analysis Tools
Developers typically use static analytical methods to design and test components. The important thing is that the code (or other devices) isn’t running or executed, but the tool itself will be executed, and the source code we want is the input data for the tool. Static analysis tools are a compiler technology extension, with some compilers actually providing static analysis functions. Before buying a more advanced statistical analysis tool, it is worth testing what is available from existing compilers or development environments. Static code review software can allow developers to comprehend the structure and coding standards. Coding standards can also be implemented.
Top 10 Static Analysis Tools
Given below are the top 10 static analysis tools:
1. CodeScene
CodeScene gives preference to technical debt and the consistency of codes depending on how the company actually deals with the code. Therefore, CodeScene restricts the outcomes to appropriate, feasible, and direct business value information.CodeScene also goes beyond conventional instruments to identify alignment issues in the design, onboarding risks, and information gaps on the enterprise and the people’s side of the system.CodeScene eventually incorporates the CI / CD pipeline to function as an additional team member that predicts risk to deliver and provides context-aware quality gates to track the code’s health.
2. Parasoft
Parasoft is one of the best Static Analysis Research methods, without a doubt. The ability of these tools to support a variety of different types of techniques such as model-based analysis, flow-based, third-party analysis, and process, and multivariate analyses makes it somewhat different from other static analysis tool systems. Besides detecting defects, it includes a function to avoid defects, another positive thing about the method.
3. CodeSonar
A Grammatech static analysis tool not only allows a user to locate a programming error but also helps them to recognize domain code errors. It can also be configured as per the requirement for customizing checkpoints and integrated controls. Out of most of the other static analytical tools available in the industry, a major tool for detecting security vulnerability and its ability to perform an in-depth static analysis stands out.
4. Code Compare
Compare Code – this is a method that compares and merges the file and folder. Over 70,000 users are involved in Code Comparison during merge resolution and source code update deployment. Code Compare is a method for comparing and combining different files and directories free of charge. Compare the code with the most common sources: SVN, TFS, Git, Perforce, and Mercurial. Code Compare is an autonomous tool for diff files and an extension for Visual Studio.
5. Klocwork
This tool not only detects semantics and syntax errors but also allows users to identify code vulnerabilities. This tool is well incorporated into many popular IDEs like Eclipse, Intellij IDEA, and Visual Studio. It can be run in parallel with code formation, conduct a line-by-line screening, and instantly repair defects.
6. Sourcemeter
Tool for the RPG & Python, C, C #, Java, C++ codes. It also enables integration into free static control tools such as PMD, cppcheck, FindBugs. This tool’s basic version is free, but the features are less. You can determine, depending on the need, whether or not the free version meets the need.
7. OCLint
This supports Linux and Mac OX platforms as a standalone tool for studying C / C + + and Objective C programs. It does everything a static analytics tool can do, such as detecting bugs, redundant code, and unused code. In addition, it also has a highly customized setup that really allows users to customize according to their needs.
8. Watchtower
The primary aim of this tool is to conduct manual code reviews, function best on local systems, and can search remote websites. Maintains a wide configuration file; thus, you can configure various reporting options. Creating alternative configuration files simultaneously allows executing of many tasks.
9. Rosecheckers
You can select Rosecheckers when you’re looking for a tool to ensure that the created code conforms to CERT coding rules. SourceForge is available for download. This tool tests for C / C++ codes and often identifies the issue that other static analytical methods can not find. However, this can not be treated as a fully established standalone instrument because the prototype itself is not fully testable.
10. Cloc
This utility, written in Perl, helps users to locate blank lines, comment lines, and physical rows. Generally, an easy tool with good features, such as multi-format outputs, runs on many systems and is fitted with a simple installation kit.
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This is a guide to Static Analysis Tools. Here we discuss the introduction and top 10 static analysis tools along with a detailed explanation. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –