Updated April 4, 2023
Introduction to Tokens in C
Tokens in C language is the most important concept used in developing a C program. We can say the token in the C language is the smallest individual part. Let suppose even we have a lot of words we can’t make a sentence without combining them, the same way we can’t develop the application without using tokens in C language. So, we can say that tokens in C language are the building block of C programming language.
Top 6 Types of Tokens in C
C Supports 6 Types of Tokens
- Keywords
- Identifiers
- Strings
- Operators
- Constants
- Special Symbols
1. Keywords
Keywords in C language are predefined or reserved keywords used to expose the behavior of the data. There are 32 keywords in C. Each keyword has its functionality to do.
2. Identifier
Identifier in C language is used for naming functions, variables, structures, unions, arrays, etc. The identifier is user-defined words. These identifiers can be composed of uppercase, lowercase letters, digits, underscore. Identifiers never used for keywords. Rules to construct identifiers is below
- The first character should be either alphabet or underscore and then followed by any character, digit.
- Identifiers are case sensitive as there is A and a treated as different.
- Commas and blank space are not allowed
- Keywords can’t be used for identifiers.
- The length of the identifiers should not be more than 31 characters.
- Naming convention should understandable to the user.
dataType _abc1= Valid
dataType 123abcZ=Invalid
dataType int=Invalid
dataType abc, ap=Invalid
3. Strings
Strings in C is an array of characters having null character ‘\0’ at the end of the string. Strings in C are enclosed in double-quotes(“”) and Characters are enclosed in single quotes(”).
char a[10]={'1','2','3'};
char a[]="Amardeep";
char a[10]="Paramesh";
4. Operators
This is used to perform special operations on data.
Unary Operator: Applied with a single operand.
Binary Operator: Applied between 2 operands.
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational Operators
- Shift Operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Conditional Operators
- Assignment Operator
- Misc Operator
5. Constants
A constant in C language is used to make the value fixed, we can’t change constant value.
There are 2 ways of declaring a constant:
1. Using const keyword
const variableName;
2. By Using #define pre-processor
#define NAME value;
Types of Constants
6. Special Symbols
- Square brackets [ ]: Used for single and multi-dimensional arrays.
- Simple brackets ( ): Used for function declaration.
- Curly braces { }: Used for opening and closing the code.
- The comma (,): Used to separate variables.
- Hash/pre-processor (#): Used for the header file.
- Asterisk (*): Used for Pointers.
- Tilde (~): Used for destructing the memory.
- Period (.): Used for accessing union members.
Examples to Implement Tokens in C
Below are the examples mentioned:
Example #1
#include <stdio.h>//Add all the basic C language libraries
int main()
//declare integer variable
int i=121;
//declare float variable
float f=11.11;
//declare character variable
char c='C';
//declare String variable in 2 ways
char s1[20]="Paramesh";
char s3[]="Paramesh";
//declare constant variable
const constant=3.14;
//declare short variable
short s=10;
//declare double variable
double d=12.12;
//displaying output of all the above keywords
printf("INT: %d\n", i);
printf("SHORT: %d\n", s);
printf("FLOAT: %f\n", f);
printf("DOUBLE: %f\n", d);
printf("CHAR: %c\n", c);
printf("STRING 1: %s\n", s1);
printf("STRING 3: %s\n", s3);
printf("CONSTANT: %d\n", constant);
return 0;
Example #2
#include <stdio.h>//Add all the basic C language libraries#include
//main method used for running the application
int main()
//decalre variable
int n;
//asking enter any choice between 1 to 4
printf("Enter any choice between 1 to 4=>");
//switch case, based on choice it will gives us output
//if we did not take break each case then where ever it is true that value and rest are printf
//none are true then default value will be print
switch (n)
case 1:
printf("I am Paramesh");
case 2:
printf("I am Amardeep");
case 3:
printf("I am Venkatesh");
case 4:
printf("I am Krishna");
printf("Opps! I am default");
return 0;
Example #3
#include <stdio.h>//Add all the basic C language libraries#include
int input(void);//declaring method
int getSquareArea(int side);//declaring method
int getCube(int cube);//declaring method
//main method used for running the application
int main()
int i=input();
int sArea= getSquareArea(i);
int cube=getCicrcleArea(i);
//displaying output
printf("Square Area is = %d\n",sArea);
printf("Cube of the number is = %d\n",cube);
return 0;
//method definination
//this for asking the user input
int input(void)
int n;
//asking the user to input
printf("Enter any number=> ");
return n;
//method definination
//this for getting square area
int getSquareArea(int input)
return input*input;
//method definination
//this for getting cube of the number
int getCicrcleArea(int cube)
return cube*cube*cube;
Example #4
#include <stdio.h>//Add all the basic C language libraries
#include <string.h>//Add the String library to perform string actions
//typedef for give struct keyword to user wanted keyword as like below (Courses)
typedef struct Courses {
char courseName[60];//declare character variable
float CourseFee;//declare float variable
char companyName[100];//declare character variable
int loginID;//declare integer variable
} Courses; //To make work user defined keyword we have call the keyword from here
//main method to execute application code
int main( ) {
//Taken Courses name as course( alias name)
Courses course;
//Copying character values into varaible
strcpy( course.courseName, "C Programming");
strcpy( course.companyName, "EDUCBA");
//Initailize float values into varaible
course.CourseFee = 5000.00;
//Initailize integer values into varaible
//display the output of all the declared variable below
printf( "Course Name : %s\n", course.courseName);
printf( "Company Name : %s\n", course.companyName);
printf( "Course Fee : %f\n", course.CourseFee);
printf( "Login ID : %d\n", course.loginID);
return 0;
Tokens in C language are said to the building block of the application. It can have Keywords, Identifiers, Constants, Strings, Operators, and Special Symbols. Which all are gives one complete structure the C language code.
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This is a guide to Tokens in C. Here we discuss an introduction, the top 6 types of token, and examples for better understanding. You can also go through our other related articles to learn more –