Updated May 20, 2023
Introduction to Volatile in C
A volatile keyword in C is nothing but a qualifier that is used by the programmer when they declare a variable in source code. It is used to inform the compiler that the variable value can be changed at any time without any task given by the source code. Volatile is usually applied to a variable when we are declaring it. The main reason behind using the volatile keyword is that it is used to prevent optimizations on objects in our source code. Therefore, an object declared volatile can’t be optimized because the code can easily change its value. We have seen what is Volatile in C. Similarly; we will see the syntax used to represent a volatile object in code. But remember that the program can’t explicitly change the value of the volatile keyword.
volatile data_type variable_name ;
volatile data_type *variable_name ;
Explanation: In the above declaration volatile keyword is mandatory to be used; then, data_type means any data type; it can be either integer, float, or double. Finally, the name of the variable as per our choice. As both declarations are correct, we can use any of the above to declare a volatile variable.
For Example :
volatile int x ;
volatile int *a;
How Does Volatile Keyword Work in C?
Now let’s see how a volatile keyword works in C programming code through some coding examples with a brief explanation. In the two codes below, we will see how the program changes when we use the volatile keyword in declaring a variable compared to the non-volatile keyword. We will see how the efficiency of the code changes when we use volatile and how quickly we can apply this functionality in our code. In C programming, we use volatile when we need to read the value stored at the address that the pointer points to. If you need to change anything in your code that is out of compiler reach, you can use this volatile keyword before the variable for which you want to change the value.
Examples to Implement Volatile in C
Here is the sample code to demonstrate the working of volatile keyword:
Example #1
Without using the keyword Volatile:
#include<stdio.h> // C header file for standard input and output
int a = 0 ; // initilaizing and declaring the integer a to value 0.
int main () // main class
if ( a == 0 ) // This condition will be true
printf ( " a = 0 \n " ) ;
else // Else part will be optimized
printf ( " a ! = 0 \n " ) ;
return 0 ; // returning value
Explanation: In the above code, we have declared an integer variable with the value 0 assigned to it. Then in the main class, we have set the if condition, which will hold true until and unless the value of variable a is 0. As you can see, the output will always be 0 as the condition will always remain true so that code won’t move to the other part as it will ignore the other part. But things will change when we add keyword volatile to the declaration of integer variable a. Let’s look at the other code.
Example #2
By using keyword Volatile:
volatile int a ; /* volatile Keyword used before declaration of integer variable a */
int main() // main class
a = 0 ; // initializing the integer value to 0
if (a == 0) // applying if condition
printf ( " a = 0 \n " ) ;
else// Now compiler never optimize else part because the variable is declared as volatile
printf ( " a ! = 0 \n " ) ;
return 0 ;
Explanation: We have declared a volatile integer variable a in the above code. Then, in the main class, we have set two things one is the value of the integer variable is 0, and the second is the if condition, which will hold true until and unless the value of variable a is 0. You can see that the variable’s declaration as volatile ensures the condition always stays true, which in turn produces a consistent output of 0. Therefore, the compiler won’t optimize the other part of the code because of the volatile keyword used before the integer. So the compiler will know that the variable can change anytime. Hence, it will read the other part as the final executable code and display the result.
Example #3
Here is another C programming code to demonstrate the working of volatile keyword in C:
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void) // main class declaration in the code
const volatile int local_value = 25 ; // declaring constant volatile integer variable with assigned value
int *ptr = ( int* ) &local_value ;
printf ( " The initial value of the local_value is : %d \n ", local_value ) ;
*ptr = 195 ; // value to the pointer
printf ( " The modified value of the local_value is: %d \n ", local_value ) ;
return 0 ;
Explanation: In the above code, you can see we have declared a constant volatile variable of an integer data type with the name local_value, and we allocated the value 25 to it. Then we have declared the pointer of the integer data type in which we store the address value of “local_value.” In addition, we printed the old value and then the modified value on the screen. This modification is possible only because of the volatile keyword we used in the variable declaration.
volatile plays a vital role in C programming as the compiler can’t guess about the value. The main reason behind using volatile is that it can change value any time a user wants it changed or when another thread is running but using the same variable.
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This is a guide to Volatile in C. Here we discuss an introduction to Volatile in C along with syntax, working, and respective examples for better understanding. You can also go through our other related articles to learn more –