Updated March 13, 2023
Introduction to Backbone.js
Backbone.js was originally released on October 13, 2010. It was developed by Jeremy Ashkenas, who is also known for CoffeeScript and Underscore.js. The Backbone.js is a lightweight JavaScript library and is mainly used for creating single-page applications using a RESTful service for persisting data. The Framework supports developers to build a single-page application and these client-side applications run on a web browser.
What is Backbone.js?
Backbone.js is based on the Model–view–presenter (MVP) application design concept and is a JavaScript library with a RESTful JSON interface. Backbone.js is mainly intended for creating Single-page web applications and also for maintaining a variety of web applications synchronized.
Understanding Backbone.js
Backbone.js is an open-source component of DocumentCloud. It is a JavaScript framework that is really cross-platform and is used for other platforms as well not only for mobile devices. When using this framework adds advance structure to the JS apps. Most of people will make use it for sorting out business logic from the view logic.
A backbone.js framework which is effectively used for creating single-page web applications or one-page web applications where all the communication take place within that page without relating a full-page refresh, like Gmail. Backbone.js code only occupies about 7.6 kb, which helps in faster page loads.
How does Backbone.js make working so easy?
Backbone.js is a JavaScript framework that was designed with several objectives to make easy working,
- It makes simple for developers to connect the code with their website’s server-side applications.
- BackboneJSis a simple library that helps out in dividing business and user interface logic.
- When any changes occur in the model, it will automatically update the HTML of your application.
What can you do with Backbone.js?
Backbone.js integrated JavaScript APIs build it all possible. Mainly, Backbone.js let developers to code really simple JavaScript code, which makes it well for those scripting it, and those act together with the finished product. They modernize and automate a lot of what occurs between an application’s Model and View components, maintaining a website’s user interface and database concurrently updated without having to need of any additional code.
Working with Backbone.js
The architectural style of the BackboneJS application for implementing user interfaces
- HTTP Request: HTTP Request for a file such as documents, images, etc., using the HTTP request protocol.
- Router: Routing is a URL based which is used by the backbone so that it can recognize what application status to be post or present to the user.
- View: BackboneJS views are dependable for how and what to put on view from our application.
- Events: An event binds the user’s custom events to an application.
- Model: It is the heart of the JavaScript application that represents business entities with some business logic and business validations.
- Collection: The collection is a set of models that combine events when the model has been customized in the collection.
- Data Source: It is the connection set up to a database from a server and contains the information which is requested from the client.
- Syncing with the back-end.
- Event-driven communication.
- Maintainability through conventions.
Required Skills
- Hands-on experience in JavaScript
- Knowledge in JavaScript module loaders, such as Require.js or AMD
- Fundamental knowledge in Mark-Up language, which including HTML5 and CSS3
- Knowledge in an understanding of browser rendering behavior and performance
- Skilled in cross-browser compatibility issues
- Good understanding of necessary functions of Backbone.js
- Good knowledge behind (MVC) models, collections, and views
- Must have knowledge in REST API concepts
- Skilled in an understanding of code versioning tools
- Expertise with input validation skills and approaches
Why should we use Backbone.js?
- BackboneJS let building an application and the frontend in a much easier technique by using JavaScript functions.
- BackboneJS acts like a backbone for your project and assists to manage your code.
- It is a free and open source library and which encloses more than 100 accessible extensions.
- BackboneJS is trouble-free libraries that facilitate in organizing business and user interface logic.
- BackboneJS has a flexible dependency on jQuery and a hard dependency on js.
- Focusing on providing with supportive methods to operate and query your data and not on the HTML pattern or modifying the JavaScript object model.
- BackboneJS not only to use single pattern engine, but views can also combine to HTML assembled in your favorite way
- It occupies only a smaller number of kilobytes for your browser or to download it’s a lesser amount of abstract surface area.
Why do we need Backbone.js?
Let consider you are developing an application with abundant lines of code using JavaScript or jQuery. Here this application, if you −
- append or change DOM elements to the application or
- create several requests or
- demonstrate animation in the application or
- append an additional number of lines to your code,
Then your code might turn into problematical.
- If you desire for a better design with fewer codes, then it is enhanced to make use of the BackboneJS library that affords superior functionality, is well structured and in an organized approach for creating your application.
- BackboneJS integrate via events; this makes sure that you do not confuse with the application. Your code will be trouble-free to maintain.
Who is the right audience for learning Backbone.js technologies?
One who has expertise in JavaScript and a good understanding of the necessary functions of Backbone.js will be the right audience for learning this technology.
How this technology will help you in career growth?
Career growth, every day is a learning day in web development. The first thing you should be aware of is that Backbone.js is a different skill set, both in terms of concept as well as design.
Backbone.js is well-liked libraries that facilitate to enforce structure in JavaScript. It also includes features that enable web developers to create Single Page Applications’ more simply. You can use the exposed Backbone.js objects and their APIs to make common web functionality. If you require a much more complete Single Page Application framework that enforces conventions, you can look at AngularJS or Ember; Backbone.js is extremely useful and is used in a bunch of well-known web applications and websites.
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This has been a guide to What is Backbone.js. Here we discussed the Basic Concept, Required Skills and Advantages of Backbone.js. You can also go through our other suggested articles to learn more –