Introduction to Haskell Programming Language
You may have read about a lot of languages. But when you hear about Haskell Programming language, the first thing that comes to mind is, “Here comes another so-called wannabe language.” The first question that comes to mind is: Why is there a need for so many languages? Why does it need to be so complicated? Why is Python or Ruby so easy when compared to C or Java? And what the heck is Haskell?
Don’t worry. I am here today to answer all your questions. But first things first, what is Haskell? Usually, you wouldn’t find many people learning or talking about this language. The reason is that Haskell is not as simple as C or Python. YES! I said C. I have been a programmer for C for the past four years and find it very interesting. But that’s not the same case with Haskell.
I learned Haskell because I find it challenging, unlike C or Python. Python is a highly excellent language and very flexible. You can almost do anything you want with that. Your imagination is only the limit in Python. Instead of me bragging about Python, let us start with Haskell. Because that’s what we are here for, right?
But before you proceed to read any further, let me WARN you. This language is not for beginners, at least not for absolute beginners. If you don’t have any prior programming experience, Haskell will give you the feel of ROCKET SCIENCE. And that’s in bold. Programmers will understand it.
Haskell Programming Language is a pure functional language. Or the proper term would be Mathematical. Anyone who likes mathematics will be highly comfortable with Haskell dynamic programming, especially theorems.
But what is Functional Programming?
More specifically, the original computation method introduces functions to arguments in the functional programming language. Alongside these languages’ features, available programming offers a minimal and compact form for coding programs, including extensive abstraction methods to structure them. It needs a mindset that knows how to work around its way to math which supports reasoning for programs, somewhat similar to theorems.
Such kind of languages is leading in the development of programming language design. All other programming languages, such as PHP, Basic, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and Scala, are high-level programming expressing lambda expressions or closures.
Pure functional languages introduce fully immutable structures, and these functions do not have side effects. This function takes all immutable structures together as some input and creates a new structure similar to the given output.
Examples of adding integers in:
template <int x, int y>
struct add {
static constexpr int value = x + y;
int main() {
auto z = add<1,2>::value;
std::cout << z << std::endl;
return 0;
add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add d e = d + e
main :: IO ()
main = do
let f = add 1 2
putStrLn $ show f
Haskell is an excellent programming language. Its math is highly complicated and straight to the point, unlike others, where programs cannot be proven to be correct, and in most cases, here, in Haskell, they can, and if they compile, they will run without any issues. This, however, introduces new challenges.
For example, let us say that you cannot change even a single var here(var means variable). Recursion is the key to everything here. But you don’t need to worry. Once you get the hang of that, you will feel at home writing applications in Haskell. The only part you would need to worry about was when I said,” If they compile,” Hehehe…, that’s the trickiest part in Haskell:’‘Compiling.’’
Why Haskell Programming Language?
As for the above question, I ask,” Why Not” Haskell is an excellent language to learn. Here, your code is simple and self-contained. There are no hassles or unnecessary indentations here. Haskell Programming Language also works well with ideas. With a decent amount of experience, you can write programs in high-level and low-level programming formats.
On one place, where Haskell is a great way to learn mathematics. On the other hand, it’s also powerful for parallel programming in Haskell, which gives you a good amount of control over your pieces of algorithms as to how your types are structured in memory. Most of the time, people deprive of advanced Haskell Programming Language because it looks too low-level. Still, if you look at its positive note, this proves that Haskell Functional Programming has scalable features of low and high levels.
Haskell is an excellent start to pick up as a first language. Many obstacles people face when learning Haskell come because they are too used to other high-level languages like Python or Ruby. Still, the thing is Haskell Programming Language is too different from theirs. Thus, if you know nothing about programming, you won’t have any problem learning it as a first language.
It is also much easier to go from Haskell to learning something else rather than vice-versa. You may be thinking that in the beginning, I said this language is not for beginners. Yes, I said that because I wanted to ensure you don’t waste 30 minutes reading this. If you have already invested this much time in reading about Haskell, you have a solid determination to learn. And that’s what you need to know about this language. Moreover, learning Haskell can open doors to unique career opportunities. While not as common as other languages in job listings, Haskell Jobs do exist—particularly in fintech, academia, and companies focused on high-assurance software. These positions often value deep theoretical knowledge and functional programming skills, which Haskell helps to cultivate.
The Cons
Haskell is a great language, but like every other language, Haskell Programming Language has its traits. For example, the tooling, the error messages, and the way its system is built are all more complex than they need to be. If you work in GHCi, you will notice that error messages are not that helpful here in Python, Golang, or Scala.
Not to mention that some of this is currently being worked on. The Haskell Platform is small and easy to install. Haskell, on the other hand, offers a more stable REPL experience. The package management here has had many changes recently and is still improving. Even Emacs will be getting many improvements and new features soon.
Though Haskell sounds too harsh as a beginner language, once you have the basics suitable, it’s easy to migrate to either low-level languages or high-level languages because of its highly flexible characteristics, unlike in the case of languages like Python or Perl, if you learn that first, you will probably never think of learning a low-level language because of its alienated code structure.
Haskell is a considerably large language to learn in detail. I would say that Haskell is a great first language to learn. The only part worth worrying about is that it may need more effort to get you started and constantly continue because of the issues with its tools, especially if you want to build an exciting program.
If I were aiming to teach Haskell programming language to people, I would make the installation procedure more painless. One must have a proper set of modules and the correct version to configure GHCi to compile problems properly.
Learning Haskell Programming Language means you need to think functionally. Many new programming languages allow the functional style of programming. Still, most developers do not fully use these features since they believe in a more object-oriented pattern because their background comes from learning C or C++.
The Most Awaited Question
Now, for the most awaited question… What are the practical uses of Haskell?
Haskell is widely used in the industry but not as commonly as C# or Java. So if you want to learn it to help you get Haskell programming jobs, it might be a waste of time. A better reason to learn Haskell is to get familiar with the functional style approach. This will happen faster with Haskell than with another language like F# or Scala. You can also check my next blog on Haskell vs. Scala to know the difference.
This is because if you get too angry with the functional style, other languages have the option to switch to the object-oriented approach—But that’s not the case with Haskell. Haskell Programming Language has a construct that forces you to write only in functional style since no other method is available. The last thing you can do is forfeit writing an application.
The Endpoint of this blog is if you are looking for a job in Haskell, wait until NASA or NSA starts hiring beginner Haskell programmers. Yup! That’s how rare it is. But if you are learning because you like challenges, Haskell is the way. It will make your code much better in any language.
It will make you correctly understand your problem, break them into good parts and make the need for debugging as little as possible. If you are also learning Haskell and some other programming languages, then Haskell is best suited for you because it will make you a wise Programmer.
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